By definition, alternative "medicine" refers to practices that haven't been demonstrated to work, or shown not to work. If people charge money for it, promising cures, then it's a scam.
"For example do you view homeopathy and "vibrational" medicine as the same thing as Naturopathy?"
No, it's an entirely different brand of BS. Homeopathy violates every basic law of science.
"is nutrition is a scam"
Nope, neither is it alternative medicine.
"So do you realize it can be very insulting for a Naturopath who has done a 4 year health science degree, and whose practices are all based on scientific evidence"
Except, most of it ISN'T based on scientific evidence. Naturoquacks are for the most part, quacks. They frequently make diagnosis based on vague symptoms, order bizarre tests and prescribe implausible "treatments" (e.g. detoxes and cleanses) to the worried well. Most of it has no basis in science.
Take "Dr" T above. Her basic science knowledge is terrible, she cannot interpret scientific literature, and constantly ignores the weight of evidence.
She often links to pubmed. Next time she does it, actually take the time to read through her links. Most are small scale poorly designed studies, usually on animals, and some even disagree with her position. Yet, she thinks because it's pubmed, it's evidence.
Her main flaw is the fact she cherry picks studies. And ignores other evidence showing it does not work. See her answers on acupuncture for a classic example of this.
Of course, I am making broad generalizations and using the example of one Naturoquack. Most naturoquacks don't claim to be science geeks like she does...
Lighty-poos, Having fun with the fallacies are you? Yeah, you keep going. You do a far better job of discrediting your side than we ever could.
@ Marc:" I also understand that many of them are atheists. You have to pity them. "
Why? Because we require evidence before we accept something works or exists?
"How sad to walk thru life with everything wrapped up in a neat little box."
No, it's sad to go through life without questioning the validity of things.
Edit: @ Lighty: The fact the quacks are able to make a living from sCAM does not demonstrate efficacy. Humans are very far from logical.
"Just Because you make something up and tell everyone it is real doesn't make it the truth. "
That's right, which is why I am always happy to provide evidence to support any claim I make. I don't resort to fallacies like the quacks.
"top resorting to "you are disgracing yourself...."
Where did I say that in answer to this question? Also, I haven't lost the argument. However, I have addressed the issues you have raised (prozac, surgery, Psychiatry, etc) numerous times before in previous postings. The fact you still keep using these illogical arguments, despite being shown how and why you are wrong, means you are disgracing
Additionally, the problem with your argument is two fold: 1. You're wrong 2. You're attempting to use it to justify, which is a non sequitur.
Finally, I never said the alties are not intelligent. There is a difference between being intelligent and educated, and being able to think logically and critically. The quacks usually fail in the latter.
I have no idea what or who the last part of your edit is referring to?