Is there a definite cure for Chronic Sinusitis (Advanced Stage) in Homeopathy?
2010-04-10 08:08:26 UTC
I have been suffering from Chronic Sinusitis. Allopaths (ENT Surgeons) suggest surgery, which I am averse to. I would like to know from people who have really got cured - whether there is a definite cure for this disease in Homeopathy?
Seven answers:
SkepDoc 3.0
2010-04-10 09:47:39 UTC
Homeopathy can cure nothing, because it is nothing. It consists of doing nothing. thenoseknowsnothing keeps making claims it cures everything, but I've yet to see him offer a single reference to prove these claims.

Allopathy is a pejorative term coined by Samuel Hahneman...the inventor of describe what passed for medicine 200 years ago. It involved the balancing of the 4 humours by various techniques such as leeches, poultices and purgings. Allopathy is in fact very similar to many other "modern" mystical traditional healing practices such as those of Traditional Chinese Medicine. To my knowledge, there are no practicing allopaths anymore.

To use that term these days is an intentional insult to modern science based medicine, and those who use it show their ignorance of history.
2016-02-26 03:36:15 UTC
OK, Acute refers to the duration of something, not the severity. Acute means short term. Chronic also refers to the duration, but long term. One cannot have "acute chronic". Now, determine if it's bacterial sinusitis or allergic (either of these can be acute or chronic). If it's allergic then there are many Meds to try. Recurrent (meaning happening often) acute or Chronic sinusitis may need sinus surgery done by an ENT doctor. Nasal septum deviation can certainly predispose you to getting more infections and can also be surgically treated by an ENT doc.
2010-04-13 06:20:11 UTC
Herbs is the way to go if you really want to go natural.

A warm salt-water solution poured through the nose provides great relief in sinusitis. A ceramic pot (a plastic one may also be used, it is far easier to carry) known as a “neti lota”, makes this procedure very easy. Fill the pot with warm water and add enough salt so the solution tastes like tears. Stand over a sink and tilt your head far to one side so that your ear is parallel to the floor, and pour the solution into the upper nostril, allowing it to drain through the lower nostril. You have to breathe through your mouth while doing this. Gently blow your nose using your gut muscles without applying pressure on your lungs as this may throw the mucus along with the bacteria back into your throat and the Eustachian tubes. Repeat on the other side. This procedure may be performed two or three times a day. It is a part of the yogic therapy and is extremely beneficial in sinusitis.

Yoga (neti pot use is actually a part of it) is extremely beneficial, especially when you use herbs along with it.

Usually, your sinusitis will require the use of antibiotics (I have myself taken tons of them) to get rid of bacteria and other organisms. Natural and holistic treatments have also been used for centuries to reduce the symptoms of sinusitis. Very often, conventional medications have harsh side effects and using more natural alternatives like herbal and homeopathic remedies are much safer and gentler for the body.

Herbal remedies are there to alleviate the symptoms by reducing inflammation and, if you still take prescription medications, also help them in curing the infection. Of course, some of them like Echinacea, help tremendously in not only giving a fillip to your immune system but also help prevent colds and shorten the duration of your cold or flu.

A highly effective herb is Quercitin which contains anti-oxidants and helps to promote healthy circulation and boosts immunity. Another carefully selected herb is Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright) which is beneficial for good eye health.

You may get additional details over here
2010-04-10 12:16:09 UTC
Seen as Homoeopathy cannot cure anything, the answer is no. And thenoseknows STILL knows nothing. Homoeopathy contains no active ingredients and contrary to popular belief, it has never been demonstrated to work in high quality trials.

If you've reached the stage where you have been advised that surgery is the next option, I would take it. Thenoseknows, isn't a surgeon, isn't a medical professional and hasn't studied science or medicine so his comment, "Surgery is unlikely to solve the problem and will probably make things worse." is groundless and untrue. The purpose of surgery is to improve the drainage of the sinuses.

The most common procedures are called FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) and balloon catheter dilation of the paranasal sinus ostia. The latter is a newer procedure. With FESS, a scope is inserted into the nose so the surgeon can see inside the nose, in particular the opening of the sinus drainage channels. This enables the surgeon to remove any tissues that may be preventing the blocked sinus from draining. In almost all cases, this can restore normal function of the sinuses.

Balloon catheter dilation involves a surgeon inflating a small balloon into the narrowed area which widens it (the balloon is deflated and removed afterwards.). What this does is allow the area to be widened so the sinuses can drain as normal, a bit like balloon dilation in coronary angioplasty.

Either way, this is functional therapy, that works. Homoeopathy does not work, and there is no reason to expect it to either. It violates every basic law of science and then some.

Both surgical procedures I mentioned are minimally invasive and have high success rates.


@thenoseknows: "I don't need to prove that Homoeopathy works: homoeopaths have been doing that for 200 years. "

Really? Show us credible evidence? Better still, why don't you take up *****'s 1 million dollar offer and prove to the world it works? Personal testimonies and anecdotes are not evidence. Homoeopathy has never been demonstrated to work in high quality trials.
2010-04-10 18:43:29 UTC
Man Of Snakes - I know you're too intelligent to turn away from science to quackery.

Science is evidence based; quackery is "I don't need to prove it works".

The answer is absolutely not.

Homeopathy, there's nothing in it.
2010-04-10 08:56:23 UTC
Yes there is a cure in Homeopathy for Sinusitis. Since this is a chronic problem, you need to see a homeopathic doctor. See for help in finding a professional homeopath.

Surgery is unlikely to solve the problem and will probably make things worse.

I don't need to prove that Homeopathy works: homeopaths have been doing that for 200 years. It wouldn't be the second largest form of medicine in use in the world today otherwise. Luckily people have a choice.

Your knowledge of medical history is skewed: the leeches, poultices,emetics and purgatives were the tool kit of conventional doctors. That's what motivated Hahnemann to develop homeopathy. He was an MD who realized that the status quo was doing more harm than good.
2010-04-13 07:53:40 UTC
A little background on homeopathy. The following is not a rant. It is an outline of useful facts, most of which are cited and all of which are verifiable.

What is homeopathy?


Classical homeopathy originated in the 19th century with Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) as an alternative to the standard medical practices of the day, such as phlebotomy or bloodletting. Hahnemann's theories were based on metaphysical energies rather than on biology, anatomy, chemistry, etc.

Classical homeopathy is generally defined as a system of medical treatment based on the use of infinitesimal amounts of substances that in larger doses produce effects similar to those of the disease being treated. For example, the homeopathic remedy for sleeplessness is a highly diluted dose of caffeine. Hahnemann believed that very small doses of a substance could have very powerful reverse healing effects because their potency could be affected by vigorous and methodical shaking (succussion).

So in other words, if you put a tiny amount of some ingredient in water, then shake it, then dilute it, then shake it more, then dilute it more, eventually you'll have an effective medicine.

Homeopathic dilutions


Homeopathic dilutions are indicated by letters like X or C. "X" means dilute 10 to 1. So a dilution of 6X means do a 1 in 10 dilution six times. Or, in other words, 1 part ingredient, 1,000,000 parts water (six zeros). "C" means dilute 100 times. So a 6C dilution means 1 part ingredient, 1,000,000,000,000 parts water. You can find many homeopathic remedies available with 30C dilutions - you do the math. And the totally ridiculous bit of advertising - the bigger the dilution, the "stronger" the medication.

Here is a useful table of homeopathic "potentencies" and their dilution rates (0.1ml of original ingredient):

6C = 4 Olympic class swimming-pools.

13C = 3/4 of all Earth's oceans.

16C = Sphere of water the size of Earth.

19C= 10 Spheres with same diameter as our Solar System

22C = 1 cubic light-year

26C = 1 Sphere with same diameter as the Milky Way

Another example, the very popular homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum 200C is made with a 1 in 100 dilution performed 200 times. That's 1 part ingredient in 1 followed by 400 zeros parts water, then sprinkled on a sugar pill. Now, physics will tell you that there is not a single molecule of duck liver on your sugar pill.

In summary, the homeopaths are water or a sugar pill on which water has been sprinkled.

Hahnemann came up with his ideas before we knew what molecules were. So when molecular theory came along and proved that many homeopathic remedies didn't have even a single molecule of the original substance, homeopathy proponents like Jacques Benveniste tried to prove that water "remembered" the original ingredient. (1) They never explained how the water "remembered" the homeopathic ingredient but didn't "remember" the copper pipes, glass jars, or fish poop from the lake it came from. (2) Benveniste was completely discredited when it turned out his lab technicians were altering data so that their boss would have positive results.

Here is a very handy, professional video on homeopathy:

Do Homeopathic Remedies work?


Because it has marketing appeal, "Homeopathic" is used as a label on many things, including soothing creams and herbal remedies that are NOT classic homeopathic dilutions. An herbal remedy may work just fine, but it is just like any drug, and should come with all the same testing and warnings as any drug. However, the classic homeopathic dilution liquids and pills do NOT work better than water or sugar pills.

1) Large scale, well-designed studies of homeopathic dilutions find they work no better than placebo. (But don't underestimate the power of a well-delivered placebo to cure somebody's complaint. People who "believe" they feel better usually DO feel better. Just don't try to use a placebo for cancer or malaria or AIDS, etc.)

2) There is a million dollar prize available from JREF for anyone who can show, under reasonable scientific controls, that homeopathic dilutions work better than placebo. The prize has been available for over a decade, and nobody has claimed it. Here is an example of a failed attempt:

3) No homeopathic practitioner (or anyone else) can tell the difference between a vial of homeopathic dilution and plain water.

4) James ***** regularly demonstrates homeopathic remedies do nothing by taking an entire bottle of Calms Forte - a homeopathic sleep aid. Even though the box says "warning, don't exceed recommended dosage", the entire bottle of pills has no effect on ***** or on anyone else.

And on Jan 30, 2010, 400 people intentionally took overdoses of homeopathic medicines to prove they are worthless. The protesters suffered no ill effects other than a rush from sugar pills.

5) A comprehensive British government study just concluded that homeopathy is nothing but sugar pills and water, and that the National Health Service should stop paying for it.

6) The US National Center for Complimentary and Alternative medicine has stopped funding any research on homeopathy. Even the NCCAM, which happily funds research on other dubious treatments, has determined that homeopathy is a waste of research dollars.

In short, homeopathic pills/dilutions don't work any better than sugar pills.

Why does the FDA allow ineffective "medicines" to be sold?


Homeopathy websites will talk about homeopathy's great safety record. That's true - water and sugar are pretty safe. But are they effective?

Because of their long use in the United States, the U.S. Congress passed a law in 1938 declaring that homeopathic remedies are to be regulated by the FDA in the same manner as nonprescription, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, which means that they can be purchased without a physician's prescription. Today, although conventional prescription drugs and new OTC drugs must undergo thorough testing and review by the FDA for safety and effectiveness before they can be sold, this requirement does not apply to homeopathic remedies. In other words, the FDA gave anything with the words "homeopathic" an exemption from the requirement to demonstrate that they're effective.

This is important: as long as something appears in the "Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States", the FDA does not require proof that it is effective.

Most people know that the herbal remedy St. Johns Wort can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. However, unlike herbal remedies, there are no "drug interaction" warnings for homeopathic remedies. Why are there no drug interaction warnings? Because homeopathic remedies don't do anything.



If you can be cured by placebo, then by all means, give money to the imaginative people who dream up all the different homeopathic remedies. But you should look at the price on the box and ask yourself: Is this a lot to pay for sugar pills and water?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.