2011-12-26 16:04:02 UTC
Im sorry about my bad english, because i just study english language, but i try to write my problem and i hope you understand me.
I have belly(abdominal) hurt already 2 days. It starts like that...
In 24 december i drink a new wine, only 3 or 4 little sip, and smoke 4 cigaretes in 5 hours, and after 5 minutes when i drink this wine, i have belly hurt and nauseous. I think i gonna vomit, but I cant and these 2 days i feel nauseous .
Is that possible, only because i drink a little bit wine?
Before 1 month i have this problem with my belly, and doctor say maybe i have a gastritis,nut i dont think so, because i have belly hurt only and nauseus, but my stomach is alright. Doctor give me appointment to gastroskopy, but i need to wait to go.
I feel in my belly like little burning, it feels that i dont eat nothing, but i eat and than my belly is like bubble and pulse.
Plese, write something and help me if you can, because i feel bad.
Im 18 years old boy and i dont drink alcohol, only in celebration like in 24 december, but i drink alcohol wery,wery rare, like 2 x in year, and ir past i drink some wine, but after that i dont feel nauseus. Whats wrong? :( Thank you!