2012-03-29 16:10:42 UTC
On Monday 3-19-2012 I went to the chiropractor for the first time since I was like two years old. He popped my back and my neck. Before that I did the roller bed thing that like massages up and down your spine along with the electric thing that feels like a bunch of bugs crawling around your neck and shoulders. Sorry i don't know what those are called because he didn't really discuss it with me. Both my mom and sister have gone to this guy. In fact my mom goes weekly they both swear by chiropractors and love how they feel after. I didn't like the guy to much he was constantly dealing with other people and leaving me mid talk to go do other stuff, I don't feel like he was fully listening to me or understanding the pain I have in my mid back that is keeping me from sitting up straight. He pretty much treated me for everything he was treating my mom for. I do have headaches so he said to do the whole neck thing which I was hesitant to do. He told me to ice my neck and back if I had any pain.
Well about 20 mins after leaving I did not have any pain not even my mid back however I was struck with the worse nausea of my life!! I thought maybe I just needed to eat but after doing so it did nothing but worsen me. Few hours later all the pain was in my back again and now discomfort in my neck which wasn't there before ( I understand discomfort is normal afterwards) I iced it like he told me too. It did nothing really.... Well now a week.. almost two weeks later I am still completely nauseous!!!!! It is constant and seems to worsen everyday around 4pm.. NOTHING helps at all i've tried everything!! My mom says I need to go back and he will make it stop but I fear it will just make me a lot worse and that would be horrible! So what do you think is the reason I am feeling like this.. ( nauseous, weak, dizzy, lightheaded, faint) Will going back make me better?? I do have "foward head" as he called it and a small hump forming below my neck due to poor posture. I am trying to fix that but seeing how I cant sit up straight cause pain stops me and now if I move my neck to look left I am instantly running to the bathroom to puke its impossible to correct my posture. WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF THIS????? HOW DO I FIX IT???? Please anyone who can help I will really appreciate it THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!! :)
BTW I've noticed when my mom gets home from the chiro she goes straight to bed for not feeling good... yet she goes back every week...?? hmm... Dunno if it matters but I am 22yrs old. Thanx again. Not really sure where to post this either so if in wrong spot I am sorry.