2008-06-30 20:19:32 UTC
Anyone treated by a homeopath can attest to its efficacy. It works on animals, babies and unconscious people. Hardly what we would call the "placebo effect"! Yet that is what most traditional medical people would call it since they can't find material substance in homeopathic remedies beyond 12C potency. In 1996, Shui-lin Lo of the California Institute of Technology, who neither is a homeopath nor wants anything to do with alternative medicine, discovered an odd characteristic of water. When he diluted a substance to the extreme, exactly as Hahnemann did 200 years earlier, Lo found that unusual crystals formed in the water when it was shaken. These "ice" crystals had bizarre electrical forces. In addition, they did not "melt" at room temperature. Lo dubbed the crystals "IE" -- ice with an electrical field. Not much relevance to homeopathy. Yet.
About one year later, UCLA immunologist Benjamin Bonavida discovered that biologically active IE crystals boosted immune systems components up to 100 percent. The homeopathy connection was made. No matter how dilute the solution got, the special ice crystals would form. A very dilute substance definitely could affect the body.
In spite of 200 years of therapeutic success, homoeopathy has been maligned, vilified and homoeopaths have been charged as liars and frauds. Chased and ridiculed like the first martyrs of Christianity they prevailed and stand. In 1841, England was ravaged by cholera. Statistics showed that four times as many lives were saved by homeopathic medicines than by other conventions of the day. Having succeeded in quashing two serious cholera epidemics in Europe, public acceptance of homeopathy grew. Homeopathy remains tremendously popular in England to this day. So much so, that the Queen herself carries homeopathic remedies when she travels and is attended by homeopathic physicians. (Dr. Ronald W. Davey, Homeopathic Physician to Her Majesty the Queen of England) The Queen of England and the Royal Family have always used homeopathy. In fact, the Prince of Wales coined the term “complementary medicine”. Over the Channel in France, over 7.000 MD’s, 700 Veterinarians and 2.000 dentists prescribing Homoeopathic medicines!! In 1970 there were fewer than 200 practitioners in America. At present it is estimated there are over 3500 in the United States. Homoeopathic remedies are found on shelves of national chains like Walgreens, CVS and Wal-Mart. The public spends over 300 million dollars a year on homoeopathic remedies. Considering the cheap price of homoeopathic preparations, it would translate to about three billion US $ in pharmaceuticals medicine per year. So now guys STOP trolling and challenge this article.