What home-based remedies, foods, or alternative treatments can help a cat get kidney values down?
2008-06-28 10:00:48 UTC
I have a 15 y.o. kitty, Vlad, who has a carcinoma which has spread (abdominal, affecting liver and pancreas). He has been in hospital for almost 48 hours getting fluids so that we could bring his kidney values down so that he could get chemo. So far the values are still high and the doctor is not optimistic they are going to get lowered.

He also has HCM (Hyper Cardio Miapathy) so they can't give too much fluids. He doesn't seem to eat or drink too much, but when I was (prior to him being in the hospital) hand-feeding and giving him water, he would eat and drink ok.

I am really scared right now and I feel that there has got to be something else I could do to help him. Alternative perhaps. Something at home? The doctor said she doesn't feel he is in pain, but sees him as a candidate for euthanasia because his kidney function is not improving.

Is there ANYTHING I could do at home. Just take him from the vet and work with him at home with anything to at least help?

Seven answers:
2008-06-29 19:20:34 UTC
aww I am sorry to hear this..

yes, you should try what helps humans

1. dr richard schulze's incurables program....use clark's rule

for a cat dose, use the cat's weight..the dose for an adult is for a 150 pound person. the average herbal tincture (liquid with eye dropper top) dose is 60 drops 5 times a day. so if your cat weighed 10 pounds you would divide 150 by 10 (150 / 10 =15) so it would be 1/15the regular dose (60 / 15 =4 so 4 drops)..if it was 15 pounds, it would be (150 / 15 = 10) so 1/10th the dose so (60 / 10 = 6 drops and so forth) here is clark's rule

2. also use wheat grass juice...this is sold at health food stores or as a grass called pet grass in health food not give too much like maybe an ounce would be a human dose as it can detox too fast if you gave a cup or something. If you can't find it, try barley grass powder from health food store or wheat grass powder but fresh is best...maybe the cat can chew need a wheat grass juicer as it will break a blender but if you have the grass, cut into 1/2 pieces and blend with water and some of it should go into the water (so give more in this case)

3. Also use the hoxsey dose

4. also use essaic tea.

all of these things have reversed cancer in people.

5. also raw fruits and veggies and their juices and green tea contain enzymes that break sown the protein coating that surrounds each cancer cell so the immune system can then kill he cancer. Since cat are not vegetarians, I wonder if the enzymes in raw meat would have the same effect. Use freerange meat as this is safer. blend and add some veggie juice (fresh juiced not canned) like carrots and kale and beets and blend with the raw meat or grind it all up and give it to the cat. here is the incurables program...if you can't find the hoxsey formula you can use Schultze detox formula..

6 check this thoroughly as well --this website should be of help to deals with sick pets

7. urine therapy is said to be extremely helpful for these problems.

8.cordyceps mushrooms have been said to greatly help kidney the caps and figure out a cat dose and add to the food

9.also give the cat blood cleansing herbs ..get a burdock tincture..again use a pet dose ..the human dose is usually 60 drops 5 times a day for tinctures. This is to help with the poisons from nonfunctional kidneys. Parsley root is a good is sold in the produce department of some meijers and looks like a carrot with a parsley looking top like a carrot but white..juice it and add to food or make a tincture and give by drops (kidneys)

hope this is unlikely you could do this with the cat at the vets.
2016-09-21 08:56:09 UTC
2016-05-25 11:19:06 UTC
I had a cat with kidney disease that I fed Innova Evo dry but I really pushed the Merrick wet food. It's a good, all-natural holistic pet food too. It has great flavors and was not part of the recall. The thinking by many now is a good quality protein source is more important than low protein. The prescription foods get their protein from grains. Cats aren't meant to digest grains in those amounts. They are supposed to be eating meat. That's what they would be eating in the wild. The grains they get in the wild would only come from the tummies of their prey that eats grains. There are several great cat foods out there that you can feed your cats without having to feed either one the nasty prescription stuff. I'm very glad I did that for my cats. It gave me two and a half years with my cat with kidney failure before she died. I also believe it has kept my other cat and kitten healthier as well. Don't be afraid to tell your vet you are going to feed a different food. Take him an ingredient list and a nutritional analysis of the food you choose so he can see what you have chosen and do his best to support you from there. One of my vets thinks I'm a food kook although he's never told me so. He did say holistic is a bad word. I try to go to the lady docs whenever diet is going to come up. I think they are more understanding of these things. When it comes to out of the ordinary medicine I'm back to him because he is a brilliant doc. The site below has some great information about feeding your cat. Good luck to you and congrats on a 19 year old kitty!
SkepDoc 2.0
2008-06-28 11:07:40 UTC
No doubt you'll report this answer as a violation as you did my previous answer to a similar question. ( it wasn't... but so be it....I understand how things work here)

You have a 15 year old cat (According to several veterinary websites, cats live an average of 12-16 years)

with endstage kidney failure

with endstage heart failure

with metastatic cancer

I'm a pet lover (dogs, not cats) and I understand the role pets play in peoples lives. It's hard to lose a member of the family. If this was a human, we would be talking about palliative care.

The kindest thing, the most humane and ethical thing is to have your cat euthanized. There is no hope of a cure. I'm sorry to be so harsh...I'm just being honest. All of us die sometime, even cats.

Report me if you must, but the truth is sometimes painful.
2008-06-28 16:10:17 UTC
If you kitty has cancer and is 15 years old, the most humane thing you could do is to euthanize him. Trust me, I am a pet owner, too, and know how hard that is. You have got to think of him, though, and his quality of life. Even if you try to treat him at home, what will he be doing? He won't be outside in the sunshine watching birds and enjoying himself. He is very ill, and you need to love him enough to let him go.
2008-06-28 13:12:41 UTC
I have some good news and some bad news. My cat died of kidney failure at the age of 13 because we had her euthanized, but her brother had kidney failure and lived to be 25 (at which point he was hit by a car, rather than succumbing to the disease). We weren't doing anything to treat them, but I have treated by mother in-laws's dog using homeopathics (he had glaucoma and catarcats and went blind for a while, also a doggie staph infection).

If you are willing to go the homeopathic route, you can dissolve them into his water. I don't know how effective any of this is going to be, but it won't hurt so it is worth a shot.
2015-04-09 20:59:12 UTC
Heal Kidney Disease Forever :

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.