this is a very long answer but full of facts that are helpful & interesting ..hope you read it. oops sorry the complete answer would not post cutting off the ending..if you want to repost a similar question & email me the link to it I will repost the end of my answer which I will save so you can get the whole thing....that is upsetting
I have strong feelings on this topic. I did read the entire article and found this quote interesting about the family sneaking the devise into the hospital and using it
Two weeks later, the lady walked out of the hospital and returned to work. The doctors could find no cancer. She was “clean.” A real doctor would be eaten up with curiosity. How did this happen? What did you do? Not here. American doctors don’t want to know. Indeed, they are irritated. They don’t want to talk about it. As minions of the medical industry, they are embarrassed.
This is completely true..I once heard of a man who was able to cure himself of a heart disease that was supposed to kill him by the time he was 20..his parents died in their early 50s from heart disease & he was orphaned at 15 and then developed heart problems..told he would be dead by age 20 without open heart surgery & that he had congenital heart valve deformity & nothing but surgery would help him. When another teen he befriended died on the operating table from the same disease & surgery the man was so frightened he snuck out of the hospital the minute the staff left the room after telling him & went on his own health journey doing multiple alternative treatments. three years later he returned to the doctor who was amazed when he redid tests & discovered the heart valve were normal.the dr proclaimed it a miracle when the teen said I did a lot to help get this "miracle", the doctor's eyes glazed over..he was not the least interested in knowing how the teen did the impossible. He also poured burning oil on the hand & sustained the worst degree of burns & doc said he needed extensive skin graphs as all tissue, skins, nerve etc were damaged down to the charred bone & could not regrow, but the man walked out & 30 days later had skin on his hand...the hand burn specialist was so shocked he called all his colleagues in to see it but again not interested in knowing how he regrew the skin again calling it a miracle. finally, he had a serious sking accident & needed arthroscopic surgery for dramatically separated ligaments & torn meniscus cartilage..told nothing but this surgery would help he left & thought in 30 days he would be better..he wasn't..told he would walk with a limp all his life without surgery, in 60 days of intense alternative health, he went dancing and today has no limp.
He then opened an underground clinic & the last ten years of the 20 he spent curing the dying and the incurables..those told there was no hope and most of them were healed of everything from lung & pancreatic cancer (both very deadly) to AIDS to MS to diabetes to heart disease where they were too ill to have heart transplants to brain cancer filling half their brains. I am a very smart person & I do not believe this man is a fraud. I have seen people with cancer healed on his program called the incurables.
He trained with a man named dr chritopher who originated this program which Schulze, the man I spoke told you of above, enhanced was arrested 6 times for healing people & angering the doctors around who saw his waiting room filled to flowing cause his stuff worked as theirs stood near empty. Schulze was arrested 3 times the last invaded by FDA officers with bulletproof vests, machine guns & battering rams where they seized all his records terrorizing staff. He got off on a technicality/escaped prison (for healing people without a license) & closed his clinic..he now reaches a lot more people/he saw over 100,000 people in his clinic& millions worldwide are now aware of him.
He & Christopher helped me to stop my mom's heart attack twice in progress when nitro did nothing. How..with a simple kitchen herb..cayenne pepper.I posted this one year ago nearly to the is the account written right after it happened.
Even allopathic medical doctors healing people and deviating from standard approved things like chemo & radiation have been invaded with the above scenario with guns & lost their licenses or been forced to leave the country when harassed by the AMA when they would not sell their treatment to the AMA (likely to be shelved to continue to make the huge profits from cancer treatments & expensive pharmaceuticals)..some doctors lost their licenses for even giving an unapproved type of vit b shot made by another country that was more effective.
Freedom...tell that to parents charged with child abuse for treating their child with alternative treatment from Canada that was working & not what the doctor said they must use (toxic treatments the USA uses) who saw their child die when deprived of the successful treatment as they could not sneak it in as they set up guards at the hospital to prevent this.
Tell this to the teenager who fled the country as the courts were forcing him to get chemo who cured himself in Canada using essiac & other alternative treatments. we have freedom until we try to do what we feel is in our child's best interests. Due to the money interest. Watch the tapes "hoxsey the quack who cured cancer" to see how the AMA got so powerful..Sued by the AMA after he refused to sell his very successful herbal formula passed down generations & requested if he sold it that it be given free to those who could not afford it. as he had promised this to his dad on his deathbed, Morris Fishbine, the head of the AMA who was furious he would not sell it w/o that clause went after him suing him many dozens of times. As patient after patient given a death sentence lined up with the medical record in tow to tell how he had saved their life (often free of charge) & how they were still living many years after the doctor said they would die, Hoxsey proved his case & at that point & maybe since I am not sure, he became the only person to ever win a case against the AMA but eventually they got his clinic closed down where he had to go to Mexico. It was all captured on newspapers and the film is fascinating & well worth watching.. this film is generally sold on ebay or tells how the AMA got all the other practitioners out of the competition & grew from a small trade union and about its "quack files"..even chiropractors have sued in court & won on the charge the AMA tried to ruin their specialty..even today they get government studies that prove the effectiveness of chiropractic for back pain stopped..when this study put chiropractors in first place, followed by exercise with medical treatment down the line, the AMA got the study cancelled for necks.
Even Dr Loraine Day, a medical doctor who cured her breast cancer with alternative means & has a tape called cancer doesn't scare me anymore talks a lot about the money factor and why most doctors do not know about the effectiveness & safety of nontoxic, effective, inexpensive alternative is also a fascinating watch.
The other poster talked about other countries but in Europe, they use like 85% herbs/supplements and 15% medical drugs going first to the herbal remedy & using the powerful and more toxic drugs only as a last resort.
There is value to allopathic recently I was in a serious car accident where i missed death by a second & the hospital could quickly scan my body & see if something was broken..they did miss lacerated liver and spleen though & I went into shock 9 days later. In that case I needed the hospital (although I have since found that cayenne is administered for shock as it equalizes the blood pressure..mine had dropped 70 points by the time I got to the hospital & I was glad for the allopathic care I got.
I know this is true about the blood pressure as when my mom (who never did any thing I suggested) was taken to the hospital on the 9th heart attack she had that year (I had stopped her 7th and 8th but noone gave her the herbs I left that worked & noone called me for 5 hours & took her to the hospital)..her blood pressure dropped to the 30s...I could not give her anything surrounded by large family --some in the medical field who felt I was "torturing her" though not once did anything I ever gave her fail to help her & the nurses there all the time. finally left alone, I begged her to take the cayenne. Unfortunately it was a very hot brand as the milder one was at home & it was so hot & they did not know she took it & it took 15 minutes to get her ice or water & so she refused to take it again. BUT she went from writhing nearly incoherently & begging to let her die to totally being calmed & being able to talk to us & give us loving messages when we steered the conversation to good past memories, When the nurse came in, all eyes were trained to the blood presser monitor cause it was crucial it rise & so at least 10 people were watching & we all cheered when it was normal..shortly thereafter the doctor called & said she had a living will & disconnect any help & they put her in the palliative unit where they essentially killed my mom by giving her pain pills they knew would kill her..the nurse confirmed this by telling me just before they admitted her that she would die that day & just when we saw how she was neglected & so much worst & how we were treated & were going to use the power of attorney to get her out..we got word when we left for 15 minutes to discuss it & eat something that she was one of the worst moments.
Alternative health & herbs kills far less people than regular doctors/drugs do..Herbs, sun, good water, exercise, good foods, & so forth are not patentable and