Dr Frank i do hear your frustration and i feel that you are a nice person and a good doctor and you did do a good differential diagnosis on my question previously:)
However,for you to be heard & respected, you'll have to start looking in your own backyard first and dealing with the pseudo-scientific witchcraft there ie:60-70% of psychiatry.
If your going to be perplexed why people believe in homeopathy then you should also do something about the unscientific things in the medical community or at least speak up about it here.
I see these skeptics making alot of questions & answers about how Homeopathy is pseudoscience & some even calling Herbal Medicine pseudoscience without showing any scientific evidence however i dont think i've come across one answer or question where they've stated that they believe that certain things in Conventional Medicine is pseudoscience & stating their beliefs about those things.
Granted-this is the alternative medicine section but still you think there would be some mention of it at all in their answers if they're not biased or just going off emotion or have some hidden agenda.
Do you accept the unscientlfic things there in Conventional Medicine but not the unscientific things in homeopathy?
If you do then you'd be a hypocrite who has no interest in truth but simply "debunks" homeopathy out of bitterness or fear or ego or competition/jealousy and is biased and not interested in truth & protecting people.
General public isn't stupid,they can tell when someone is coming from some bitterness or emotion & they can tell when someone has a genuine interest in truth & is fair regarding truth & scientific evidence across the board in both Conventional medicine & Alternative Medicine.
So do you accept that some of psychiatry,a field which for some reason was accepted into Conventional Medicine, has much pseudoscience and/or witchcraft in it itself or do you have your head buried in the metaphorical sands of ignorance?
What are your thoughts on Hypnotherapy used in psychiatry?is this not pseudoscience-true?
Please give me scientific evidence regarding it.
When i say scientific evidence i mean objective,scientifically measurable evidence regarding the "science" of Hypnotherapy and not studies that have shown it works.I can also show you studies that say that "Reiki" works.So hats good for one "therapy" is good for the other.Either we accept both or we accept neither-true?.That is why i ask for scientific evidence regarding it and not just studies that show it works/can work.
What about the psychiatric DSM IV manual "diagnosises" of "Schizoid" personality type or "Malingering" or "Stereotypic movement disorder"?
Please show me objective,scientific evidence that they exist
☻It is true that there are people that are shy or withdrawn but what they need is help to socialise & have fun not a label of "schizoid" which has no scientific proof that it exists.
☻It is true that there are people that lie but again it is what it is,some people simply choose to lie-there is no scientific proof that it a PSYCHIATRIC disorder called malingering.
☻it is true that children may sometimes make repetitive movements such as body rocking,or head banging or holding their breath but this is either a disipline issue eg:due to being angry at not getting a toy for example or it is due to a medical illness(and there is evidence for that) however theres no objective,scientific proof that something called "stereotypic movement disorder" exists & that its a PSYCHIATRIC disorder
It says as criteria "thumb sucking,nose picking,nailbiting"
WOW-i though all children sucked their thumbs,picked their noses & bit their nails.
Also,What about the psychiatric DSM IV manual "diagnosises" of "caffeine intoxication" disorder and "Frotteurism"?
Please show me objective,scientific evidence that they exist?
☻it is true that if you drink too much caffeine you can get physiological negative effects just like some other drugs or herbs.However please give me objective scientific evidence that "caffeine intoxication" is a PSYCHIATRIC disorder.
"Caffeine Intoxication" is clearly not a psychiatric disorder."Caffeine intoxication" is from drinking too much coffee/caffeine drinks which in turns has physiological consequences.
We'd all have "caffeine intoxication disorder" if we drank enough cups of coffee.
☻It is true unfortunately that there are some people in the world which rub up against others for sexual gratification-which psychiatrists have labelled "Frotteurism" but please show me objective,scientific evidence that this is a PSYCHIATRIC disorder?Its not a scientifically proven psychiatric disorder-it is instead bad behaviour & criminal activity.
(This of course excludes people who do this who have medical illnesses like dementia & dont intentionally & willfully do this)
Dr Frank are you willing to admit that in this so called age of enlightenment in the 21st century,there is still some pseudoscientific things done in certain branches of Conventional medicine?
If you are then you've gained my respect at least for your honesty and fairness.
If people are wanting to "call out" homeopathy and be taken seriously then they will get further by also addressing the pseudoscientific things in Conventional Medicine
i dont take serious any links to articles from Stephen Barrett.Hes a quack claiming that others are quacks.Lets not forget that hes also a retired psychiatrist(although not board certified) -a profession which as i have shown above has its own special form of pseudoscience.
Also,you cant help but be very suspicious of how a retired psychiatrist on his income was able to afford to pay for the fees for the numerous court cases that he lost.
So i can only assume unless proven otherwise that Stephen Barret has financial interests & financial ties which cloud his judgment to report fairly & honestly regarding (the large field of) Aternative Medicine treatments/products).
In the court of law Stephen Barret had to admit his ties to the AMA, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and FDA.
Theres much more respected sources you could use rather then quackwatch