My son took risperidal for a long time, he finally went on the risperidal consta, which is a long acting injection in the hip that lasts 2 weeks. The reason for this was that he wouldn't stay on his meds and he seriously needed them for voice hearing and halucinating. He couldn't tolerate the side affects , especially the ackathsia. His leggs couldn't stop moving, even had big blisters on his feet from paceing. He never took the lamictal because the know it all shrink wouldn't prescribe it.
Now he sees a reg md, our family dr. He is on zyprexa, paxil, xanax, propranolol. He is only 27, he has had to take meds since he was 16. The symptoms are partially undercontrol but he still hears voices and laffs about it, also laffs with the voices, so it doesn't bother me, i just tell him he has a gifted imagination, and i do believe from lots of research that he was made that way and i really don't want to medicate him a lot.
He has gained weight somewhat but he exercises and is stable right now. He is 6' 1' and weighs 200lbs. which is not bad, He looks good, muscular, does have some extra weight on his stomach but i think that comes from drinking so many mt. dews.
Yes he did gain some weight on the risperidal but like i said mostly he paced it off. It's been a long road for him and me as a caretaker. I am just afraid to touch his meds right now since he is doing mostly good, i have ordered a special formula for him from dr. baulch online. he is a genius of a nutritionist. should be getting them in a few days.If the risperidal helps you and you are stable on your weight i would keep taking it.Consider emailing dr. baulk, or google it, i don't have the addy right now. He is great. Hang in there !