Why is it that chiropractors call themselves doctors and physical therapists, paramedics, and RNs go to school longer? And they don't sell minerals and supplements anymore, but now they sell formularies and detoxifiers.
By law, from the federal government, those high tech detoxifications go by another name and that is "food."
Wonder why homeopathic don't have double blind studies published in peer reviewed journals?
Let me guess... because there is a conspiracy to keep them out of the true medical field.
Yeah, I believe that like that guy down the street that has a way to convert water into gasoline, but the oil companies paid him to keep his mouth shut.
I've yet to meet one true homeopathic that wasn't a nut. They have more "excuses" than they do medicine. Every time something doesn't work that they recommend, they have a reason why you did it wrong, or used the wrong stuff. I love the Elderberry claims and it's even funnier when you hear all the excuses they have. It's a "medicine" only the homeopathic/naturopathic practitioner loves, as there are so many "outs" and excuses it gives them at every complaint.
I've worked in both worlds... the traditional medical field and the naturopathic world.
I am almost completely convinced that when medications were able to treat schizophrenics, bipolar disorders enough for these people to maintain in society, and we saw the closure of many mental hospitals, the previous patients went into the naturopathic field. I've never met a more naive bunch of people in my life.
The acid test is that you will never find a double blind study published in ANY medical journal (including homeopathic naturopathic) that is peer reviewed. It simply doesn't happen.
And even the few that pushed very hard, such as Linus Pauling, a true scientist, that promoted the claim that Vitamin C did so much, little by little fizzled with one peer review after another. Eventually to his final point that not only did it prevent cancer, it could possibly cure cancer. Of course now we know it doesn't cure, slow, reduce the common cold or it's symptoms and we also know it has no effect on cancer or cancer prevention. All proven near his death and recently.
Ironically one of the few mineral/vitamin that affects health most, Niacin isn't even capable of being produced by naturopaths or holistic practitioners. This was done with Niaspan that is capable of delivering Niacin in time released at dosages around 1 to 2 grams. In this dosage there are significant advantages, almost too numerous to list, but most significant is it raises HDL cholesterol (now known just as important as lowering LDL) and lowers LDL a little and triglycerides a little more. The trials prove this is one of the most effective drugs on the market and Niacin has been known for decades to help, but never to the efficacy of this prescription medication. It will go generic in about 3 years. And NO, Slo-Niacin is not the same and poses significant risks in the same dosage. This screws with your liver and the reason Niaspan is patented and approved by the FDA. Anyone using Slo-Niacin should have their liver profile done frequently, and should never expect anything close to the results of Niaspan. You can read all day long chemists experience at cafepharma.
FWIW, I think conventional medicine is overblown... it's a lot of mind over matter... placebo. And I do believe the mind can contribute significantly to one's health. I will compare any day buying a pet for reducing BP compared to ANY and ALL homeopathic approaches. And even place a pet right up their against many of FDA approved drugs for BP control.
The fact that conventional medicine has been overblown, the body naturally heals itself so well, opens the door to charlatans in the homeopathic field. Many believe it themselves 100%. Prevention blows both forms of medical care away. If you're skinny you will prove both conventional and naturopathic medicine wrong. It's about how much you eat instead of what you eat. You can look at any actuary tables. IOW, the insurance actuaries know more about what is good for you than any doctor of any field... and they've know this for years.
I too wish that there was a pill made by anyone that would have remarkable results. So far the closest is aspirin, vaccines, and antibiotics. All the rest are snails compared to our few rabbits.
If your chemistry expert can't explain in detail the anatomy and physiology of the human body, you can bet they know even less about chemistry. Tell them you have heart burn and what they will suggest. I guarantee you they will have an answer. Ask them what causes Barrett's Esophagus, and they won't have a clue until they look it up. Ask ANY MD and he/she will tell you without hesitating. Naturopaths can't tell you if Barrett's is bad or good until they look it up.
When a person with a business degree tells you the medical solution to your problem, then look it up here: http://www.quackwatch.org/