how to increase my height naturally?
R U Wise?
2013-01-30 06:11:28 UTC
I have just turned 17 and my height is 5 feet 8.5 inches and i want to increase my height to 6'1" to get into basketball. i drink milk twice a day.My father is 5'9" and i have not noticed an increase in my height from almost a year because i started to have a problem of not digesting food in the morning.So, i think that might the reason that i have not noticed any change in my height.So,please give my advice to increase my height naturally?And can i achieve my desired height?
Sorry! for bad english
Seven answers:
2013-01-31 05:43:00 UTC
here are some tips to how to increase your height after 18+.

First and the most common is to exercise and do morning walk. This makes you grow well.

2 Eat as much breakfast as you can up to fill. This makes your metabolism* strong. Try to eat less meal but after every 2-3 hours.

3) The most important point is to sleep well. It is the dark or night time that matters for your growth. As muscles grow in dark only. Try to sleep in absolute dark or least light to make your muscles relax and they will grow well.

4) Try to keep your head and neck as much straight as possible. Your spinal cord will suppress your height increase if you bow your head most of the time.

5) Never do immoral acts as this suppresses your primary growth(increase of height, muscles etc) and initiate your secondary growth (puberty).

6) Finally, there is an homeopathic pill named "Baryta Carbonicam**" which is a great pill to increase your height with absolutely 0% side effects and is very cheap


1. Milk: Milk is the universal food for building body. It contains protein in abundance, which are the building blocks of our body cells. Milk is a easy digestable food and enables maximum assimilation of proteins. Take 2-3 glasses of Milk each day

2. Eggs: Eggs are a wonderful natural source of protein. The White albumen in eggs contain 100% protein, but you should not take the yolk since it contains fat .To increase your height, take 3-6 eggs daily. For better results, take 2 eggs along with each meal

3. SoyBeans: SoyBean has the greatest protein content among vegetarian plant foods. It contains pure protein which improves bone and tissue mass. Make sure that you take 50 gms of Soybeans each day

4. Oatmeals: Like SoyBeans, Oatmeal is another wonderful source of plant protein. In fact, it increases muscle mass and decreases fat. Take 50 gms of Oatmeal for breakfast every day

5. Skimmed Milk: Skimmed Milk contains 100% protein and is free from fat. A daily consumption of 50 gm of Skimmed Milk after exercise or physical sports will provide adequate protein for your body

6. Coral Calcium: Coral calcium is a natural source of Calcium obtained from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to increase bone mass and thereby helping your bones to grow in length. The younger you are, greater are the results of increasing bone mass through Coral calcium

 General Exercise – You don’t have to join a gym to be able to exercise. Simply doing some basic aerobic exercises like jumping jacks at home will suffice. Even walking or biking home from work instead of commuting will help you burn fat, and provide a natural way to increase your height.

 Advanced Training Regimens – People who feel more dedicated to the cause of fitness may choose to join a gym, or make one at home. Weight training can strain the muscles and bones just enough for you to get a slight yet natural height increase; just be sure not to overdo it to avoid injury.

 Stretching – A variety of stretching techniques are also widely believed to give you an increase in height. Taking time every day to stretch out your body, or just remembering to after sitting down for a long time, will benefit your body, health and height to great lengths.

Good luck and God bless you
2016-05-17 07:23:18 UTC
Seems have a big turn in a person's life. The external form of a person is ideal in the eyes of the planet when every feature is assembled in flawlessness or very nearly there. Of all of them, height represents an important role.

Height is not just lots is one of the critical standards in plenty of areas: sports, being a part of the security force, wooing someone, obtaining a work or just bolstering one's assurance therefore, if you want to be slightly taller you just have to use this program , grow taller 4 Idiots.

The combination of proteins with growth hormones, could certainly lead to a taller stature and this really is what you would study on this book, how you can set this mixture used because this system really work for nearly all people.
2013-01-30 19:39:30 UTC
Forget about growth hormone injection or limb lengthening operation. They are way too expensive and dangerous for you. What you need is a safe, effective and affordable way to grow taller naturally and easily by using homoeopathic medicine.

It is seen that short heighten people are always tensed because of their height. There are many ways to increase height one is scientific treatment due to which one can gain height and other is Homeopathic treatment which can give you height. Now you all can take a deep breath as now your height problem will be solved by Homeopathic treatment.

First of all it’s necessary to know that why our body growth stops. The growth is not only dependent on genetic but hormones equally plays important role in body's growth. Cartilage is the joint which is present in between the hormones bones. Now it is proved that cartilage plays an important role in the growth of the body. Cartilage is like sponge or cushion present between the joints of the bones. Cartilage can be kept fit & fine by supplying good & required amount of energetic food to the hormones because the development of the cartilage is the reflection of the growth of height.

Pituitary gland also gives many hormones which affect the upper bodies 26 bones and lower bodies 62 bones whose cartilage is affected.

But now Homeopathy has discovered the reasons of Short height & why growth is stopped?

Due to this treatment the cartilage can be made strong and healthy, so the height can be increased. And you can gain your actual height get tension free from your height problem through the development of the 26 skeletal bones and the cartilaginous portions of the 62 bones of the lower body. The stimulation of the pituitary gland would increase hormonal production, which would then spur the growth of the cartilaginous portions of the bones of the lower body, ultimately leading to height increase.

Intensive scientific research has also proven that most young adults can still grow a few inches taller even after the bones in their lower body have become ossified (commonly known as "bone plate is fused"). This is because besides the length of the femur bone (thighbone), shinbone, and other bones in the lower body, the length of the spinal column in the upper body also significantly contributes to human height (about 35% of the total height).

Human spinal column consists of 33 separate bone segments known as vertebrae held together by ligaments (tough and fibrous tissue). Out of these 33 vertebrae, only the lowest 9 are fused into two immovable bones, the sacrum and the coccyx, forming the back of the pelvis. All the other 24 vertebrae are permanently movable and thus will never be fused. These 24 vertebrae are the 7 cervical (neck), 12 thoracic (back of chest), and 5 lumbar (loin).

Located between each of these 24 vertebrae are cartilaginous pads called disks. The thickness of the disks determines the length of the spinal column and directly influences the height. There are totally 25 disks, their combined length accounts 25% of your total height. Since these disks are non-fusible cartilages, they can constantly grow thicker under the stimulation of growth hormone during a life time. The thicker those disks are, the longer your spinal column is and the taller you become. Even each disk grows only 0.25 cm (0.1 inch) thicker, which is the length of this line in quotes "_", you will grow 0.25 x 25 = 6.25 cm (2.5 inches) taller!

Continue these 3 Homoeopathic medicines for 6 months and after that discontinue them. Your height starts increasing after 3 months and gradually increases day by day naturally at normal range.

Baryta Carb 30 - 6 drops (dilution) thrice in a day

Silicea 12x - - 4 tabs thrice in a day &

Symphytum Q - 5 drops twice in a day for 6 months

[For further details: dr.d.sharma (]
Susan Yarrawonga
2013-01-30 22:14:37 UTC
To reach your potential height you need adequate sleep (from 8-10 hours per night), adequate calories and a normal healthy diet.

Plenty of protein from eggs, meat, poultry, sea food and dairy products helps as well as calcium from milk, cheese and other dairy products. You also need plenty of zinc from red meat, oysters, mussels, nuts and seeds and zinc fortified cereals such as Weetbix. Vitamin D3 via the Sun also helps.

Girls usually stop growing at 15 and in most cases any further height growth from 15-21 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers.

Guys usually stop growing at 18 and in most cases any further height growth from 18-25 is insignificant but there are exceptions such as late bloomers.

Under eating and under sleeping can, to some extent, stunt your height growth. Exercise does not help your height growth and smoking can actually reduce your potential height by a whole inch. Too much junk sugar can reduce your HGH level as in item 40 in

You can see further tips in a web search for "how to grow taller naturally".
2015-11-05 21:42:09 UTC
100% Natural Grow Taller Technique :
2013-01-30 06:15:25 UTC
2013-01-30 06:31:07 UTC
Be happy you are your current height and healthy. I have doubts about you making it to 6'.

My son is about 6'5" and he wishes he were shorter. His Dad is also about 5'9" and I'm about

5'5". If people could control their height Tom Cruise would be much taller as would Michael J. Fox

and others.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.