Does anyone know any natural remedies or alternative medicine to reduce the size of tumors?
2009-07-28 09:29:25 UTC
Does anyone know any natural remedies or alternative medicine to reduce the size of tumors?
Eleven answers:
Soul Doctor
2009-07-31 08:44:49 UTC
Turmeric Powder is found to be very very effective in reducing the size of tumors along with pure Honey. There are very effective remedies in Homeopathy but you need an experienced Homeopathic Physician who will prescribe according to the patients symptoms here is an article on Homeopathic remedies for tumors (a must read) please click the link to read it :-

And here are a few articles for those who will tell you utter lies against Homeopathy that it is nothing but water etc etc blah blah blah :-

And here is a link to an article on Turmeric which I got in my email today :-

Wishing you the best of health. Take care and God bless you and your loved ones.
2016-02-27 07:21:08 UTC
Definitely try exercise first. Then get sunlight during the day. It helps to reset your internal clock and helps your body produce proper amounts of seratonin and melatonin. Then, before bed, use aromatherapy (lavender or peppermint oil) to wind down and destress. Sip on a cup of chamomile or peppermint tea. Both are very soothing. Then as your lying in bed, do deep breathing exercises. Inhale slowly for a count of 4 and exhale slowly to a count of 8. Try to clear your mind as you're doing this and relax all your muscles. It'll help you to get good quality sleep. Sweet dreams!
2016-02-09 17:45:50 UTC
Making dietary changes is your first line of defense in treating hypothyroidism. Learn here

Many people with hypothyroidism experience crippling fatigue and brain fog, which prompts reaching for non-nutritional forms of energy like sugar and caffeine. I’ve dubbed these rascals the terrible twosome, as they can burn out your thyroid (and destabilize blood sugar).

1. Just say no to the dietary bungee cord. Greatly reduce or eliminate caffeine and sugar, including refined carbohydrates like flour, which the body treats like sugar. Make grain-based carbohydrates lesser of a focus, eating non-starchy vegetables to your heart’s content.

2. Up the protein. Protein transports thyroid hormone to all your tissues and enjoying it at each meal can help normalize thyroid function. Proteins include nuts and nut butters; quinoa; hormone- and antibiotic-free animal products (organic, grass-fed meats, eggs, and sustainably-farmed fish); and legumes.
2009-07-28 10:27:53 UTC
There are many great complementary medicine modalities that can be used alongside cancer treatment. These include, but are not limited to:

- Aromatherapy

- Acupuncture

- Massage

- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

- Reflexology

- Shiatsu

- Homeopathy

- Herbal Medicine

- Nutritional Therapy

Ask your Naturopathic Physician for some suggestions on what therapies will be helpful to cope with nausea from chemotherapy, cope with stress of the treatments, et cetera. Good luck!
2009-07-29 23:45:42 UTC
In answer to your question: yes.

I agree with David to some extent and Tony completely.

Fasting on water-only according to thirst will reduce and in many cases eliminate a tumor by a process known as Autolysis, but the success or otherwise of this approach depends on the size of the tumor from the outset.

This also depends on whether the tumor is benign or malignant and where benign tumors are dealt with very successfully via this process regardless of their size.

In cases of malignant tumors, fasting has little to no effect in the advanced stage, and where this was found to be the case with all experienced and qualified fasting supervisors both of the past and the present.

However, successes were recorded and complete remission/cure achieved via autolysis with the self-healing powers/ detoxification of the body that fasting affords.

It is of course a wise course of action to live in a manner that acts as a prophylactic against any chronic/acute disease, and in so doing, prevent their onset.

Further, and predictably, I see the mainstream apologists are out in force here (as elsewhere) and where I find it hard to fathom their attacks on Alternatives, when their mainstream ideas and practices are for the most part an abysmal failure in the treatment of malignant tumors/cancer.

In the case of many cancers I have seen it reported/authenticated in the media that the five year survival rate for cancer sufferers via mainstream treatment methods such as Chemotherapy, is only approx' 3%.

If any other industry had such an appalling failure/success rate, patients would vote with their feet, and their service would collapse for want of business if this were better known, and the knowledge of it more widespread.

It strikes me of hypocrisy when Mainstream throw the accusation of "quackery" at alternatives when they practice the same standards of fraud themselves.

People do however believe in Mainstream cancer therapies because (and only because) it is the "status quo", monopolized by the influence of Corporate America/Europe and in particular the major Pharmaceuticals in the pursuit of a patented mostly plant-derived chemical compound with profit in mind, and not the welfare of a sick humanity.

This of course cannot be questioned.

I am also familiar with the successes of Alternatives in the treatment/eradication of malignant tumors/cancers, by the testimonials of those within the Oleandersoup Group here within Yahoo, where orthodoxy had failed those members, and where they have found solace and real help in their fight against their cancers.

How do I know of the success of alternatives? because I am one of them: a full recovery from cancer over thirty years ago after being given a death sentence by Mainstream at the time, of only six months at best.
2009-07-28 15:52:08 UTC
I know that having a tumor, which I’ll assume is malignant, or being close to somebody who has cancer, can worry you to the extent of desperation, but take a moment to think about what the alternatives are before you leap. Many of the people who try to sell you on all of this CAM stuff aren’t really trying to scam you, many are, but many are true believers who are just scientifically illiterate and have been sold on this crap themselves because the pseudo-scientific bull crap sounds good. Medical Doctors have to tell you the realistic worst case and not sugar coat anything, and treatment can have horrible side effects, because if it has an effect, it’ll have a side effect, that’s just the way it is. Cancer can go into remission, but the MD who will quietly hope for this doesn’t want to give you any hope of this due to the fear it could be false hope, the alternative medicine scammers bank on remission so you’ll tell everyone how the alternative therapies cured you of cancer, doesn’t matter that it would have gone into remission anyway, you’d never know that. If it doesn’t go into remission and you eventually die, who you gonna tell anyway. Like I said, think about each treatment suggested first, the list above me is a good place to start:

-Aromatherapy – I have more faith in people than to believe anyone really thinks that the smell of coconuts and kiwi, or whatever aroma they want you to inhale, would have any effect on cancer.

-Acupuncture – Even the acupuncture believers I’ve had discussions with wouldn’t say acupuncture will have any effect on cancer… helping with back pain or nausea is debatable, but not cancer.

-Massage – feels good, but won’t help cancer or anything else, have to wonder how they even think it would.

-Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – I think this is just a needle free version of acupuncture, I guess they just poke you with their finger and that’s supposed to make the cancer go away... it won’t, but I guess that’s the theory.

-Reflexology – same as massage, but just your feet, if you look this up here on the internet and see how this nonsense is supposed to work, you’ll quickly dismiss it.

-Shiatsu – yet another form of massage.

-Homeopathy – Save your money and drink a glass of water, it’s the same thing, again, look it up… ridiculous.

-Herbal Medicine – this is where it can get dangerous and you can get some risky drug interactions, don’t take any herbs without speaking with your doctor first, and realize that the companies who develop drugs have researchers out in the world who identify and isolate the chemicals in plants and herbs that work and do away with all the crap that doesn't do any good or may even harm the body, then make the drug and you know the exact amount of the chemical you're getting, with herbal remedies you have no idea what or how much of each chemical you're getting, it’s a crapshoot at best.

-Nutritional Therapy –know that chemotherapy works by oxidizing the cancer cells… well, unfortunately all your cells, but the purpose is to oxidize your cancer cells, the naturopaths and alternative/complementary medicine people will have you taking a fist full of anti-oxidants, which is the worst thing you can do. Just eat healthy and skip the therapy provided by some crystal-wearing hippy as a part of it.
2009-07-28 16:13:56 UTC
Acupuncture and Herbs in combination may help. There is also a center that was developed by an MD that focuses on building the immune system with foods. Do not listen to those that do not believe in natural medicine. They probably have no clue that many of the drugs today are based on the herbs used in China for thousands of years. NO one will claim to cure cancer because of the legal issues but I have seen tumers shrink from acupuncture. Of course, everyone has to make the best choice for themself and whether it is weatern or eastern medicine there are no guarantees for either. Best of luck to you in whichever you decide.
2009-07-29 02:29:56 UTC
Please do not go alternative for cancer treatment. Despite all the anecdotal claims, none of it works. That's why its alternative.

"A Special Message for Cancer Patients Seeking "Alternative" Treatments":

Tony - give me your details and I'll start your Nobel Prize paperwork for you. Make sure you get all of your published peer reviewed research, studies and trials ready.


Tony - oleander is one of the most toxic plants on the planet, and its biological side effect effects may well be far worse than chemotherapy. Are you sure you should be giving out soup recipes for this stuff?

I know pharmaceutical companies are studying it - scientists hope that it will form the basis of effective chemotherapy against various cancers. And thats a good thing. But surely its best to wait until the science is in, the product tested and refined. If there is money to be made from it, they will go with it.

Read this article on oleander:
2009-07-28 09:46:50 UTC
Eye of newt, albino bat breath, with consecrated iguana urine, shaken, not stired. Gerbal tea is also good.

God cures, the doctor collects the fee and alternative medicine wants their cut.

There are none.

Do a lot of research and know your options. Get more than one qualified .oppinion. Get answers from people who have had tumors.

All tumors are different. Fine out about your specific tumor.

Medication of any kind generally does not reduce the size of tunors. If it is benign and not in a critical area, get it surgucally removed.
2009-07-28 09:42:42 UTC
Cancer is far too dangerous to be risking your life to alternative mumbo-jumbo.

It's crazy to believe it, but there are some nutters on here that think they can cure cancer! Amazing when the greatest medical minds, with limitless amounts of money and resources are required for even the most basic of cancers.

Also, if you are taking any kind of medication for cancer, don't risk taking some fake treatment that could affect your medication. There are plenty of people out there who are happy to take a dying patients last money, even though they know that they are peddling fake cures.


This is the kind of dangerous lunatic I'm warning you about:

"And, finally, the protocol I researched and developed, which features oleander and a number of other cancer fighting and immune boosting items, has also been successful well over 90% of the time."

This person thinks they can cure 90% of cancers! 90%! Why have they not opened the world's most amazing cancer hospital? Think of all those famous people who could afford to go there! The hospital doesn't exist because the cure doesn't exist. It's depressing, but this is the type of scammer to be aware of, who prey on the sick and dying.

lol @ Gary. Yep, I'll help with Tony's Nobel Prize application. Get those studies lined up!
Tony I
2009-07-28 17:29:01 UTC
Not only are there many natural remedies and alternative treatments which will reduce tumors, the best of them will often eliminate the tumors completely and prevent cancer from ever returning so long as a person will incorporate a healthy diet and lifestyle and supplement wisely once they have beaten their cancer.

I knew that this question would bring out the mainstream tools and I am delighted to take the opportunity to shoot them down in flames - no matter how they protest or how many negative votes they cast.

The truth is that cancer is far too dangerous to rely on the failed and barbaric mainstream methods that try to cut out, burn out or poison out the symtpoms of cancer without addressing the root causes such as toxins and impaired immune systems and livers. The truth also is that In most instance, mainstream treatments cannot touch what the best of nature has to offer. See:

Modern Medicine Versus Nature in Treating Cancer

When Richard Nixon declared the War on Cancer and began throwing all the hundreds of millions at it, the expectation was that we would find a cure in only a few years. Over four decades later, we have created an almost $400 Billion a year industry whose continued existence depends on NOT finding a cure.

All those years and all those hundreds of billions and what do we have? Despite annual proclamations of breakthroughs, progress and cures just around the corner, more people are getting cancer and dying of it than ever before and most of the gains that are reported come from statistical manipulation, earlier detection to enable a five year survival that mainstream medicine considers a cure (never mind if you die a week after the 5 year anniversary and are riddled with cancer), and including pre-cancerous easy to cure conditions that were once left out.

See "Hiding the Truth about Losing the War on Cancer"

The natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness is the body's immune system. In order for cancer to gain a foothold in the first place, it must somehow get past the immune system. And yet, mainstream chemo treatments weaken the immune system and damage major organs and radiation virtually destroys the immune system, especially the bone marrow. Surgery usually fails to get all of the cancer and in the process helps spread the cancer when the protective layer around the tumors is cut and cancer cells released into the bloodstream.

Natural immune boosters, cancer fighters and items that help restore cancer cells to normal cells so that they are properly oxygenated and return to normal programmed cell death via apoptosis or autophagy absolutely will reduce and elminate tumors and cancerous masses in a most instances. One example is the Budwig Diet that 5 time Nobel nominee Dr. Johanna Budwig conceived and built on the work of Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg. It is successful the majority of the time in oxygenating and returning cancer cells to normal.

Inositol/IP6, a rice bran derivative and rising star in alternative cancer treatment, often shrinks tumors in short order.

Another example is the oleander plant, which is the subject of a book I wrote "Cancer's Natural Enemy". Dr. H. Zima Ozel rediscovered the age old remedy of aqueous oleander, which he later patented as the drug Anvirzel, and proceeded to use it for the past 40 plus years with a 72% success rate against thousands of cancers (and he was handicapped by having to use chemo, surgery and/or radiation first or in conjunction with the oleander medicine).

An herbal supplement version known as Sutherlandia OPC, when used along with dietary and other supplement recommendations, has been over 90% successful over the past five plus years.

And, finally, the protocol I researched and developed, which features oleander and a number of other cancer fighting and immune boosting items, has also been successful well over 90% of the time.

Of course the naysayers will vehemently deny the truth, but they know not of what they speak. What they will not tell you is the cold, hard facts: chemo kills more patients than it cures, chemo and radiation have an almost zero percent success rate against cancers that have spread and cancer victims who opt for chemo versus those who do nothing at all only survive for 2 to 3 percent longer (and the survival rate for those who opt to not have chemo actually outstrips the chemo users after the 3rd year of survival).

Is it any wonder that 75% of oncologists surveyed said they would not opt for chemo if they had cancer? Yet they prescribe it for over 75% oif their patients. Could that be because about 75% of an oncologist's income is derived from the markups they take on chemo drugs they resell?

Now, tell me again who is taking dying people's money selling fake cures?

No doubt, there are any number of scam artists and snake oil salesmen when it comes to cancer cures, the same as is true of many other so-called natural and herbal cures. You must be careful and do your homework. Having said that though, when it comes to cancer, mainstream medicine is the biggest scam and most of the quacks are the doctors who use it and those who advocate it.

To find out more, see "The Oleander Series" of articles at as well as my suggested protocol,

BTW, before anyone cries that oleander is poisonous (true, in raw plant form that is) and that it is "woo" or ineffective, there are two oleander based medicines currently in FDA trials and there is a whole list of PubMed studies about oleander extract's effects on cancer. See:

EDIT: For all the mainstream naysayers, I invite you to come to my Yahoo group or to CureZone and tell the members there that what I suggest does not work or that mainstream chemo and radiation is superior. The reason it is "alternative" is not because it does not work, it is because it uses natural herbs and supplements that cannot be patented, controlled and hugely profited from by mainstream medicine.

If you want to see what happens to alternative cancer treatments that work, read the book "Politics in Healing: The suppression and manipulation of American Medicine" by former New York State Assemblyman Daniel Haley, who has spent a lifetime studying health and healing in America.

Before you listen to tools like Dave, I might point out that he said if herbs were effective then why didn't people in underdeveloped countries use them when they could not afford mainstream medicine. Hello, earth to Dave - 80% of the people in the world rely on herbal medications for healing, and those same people have far less cancer deaths too.

Dave also said that if there were a mainstream conspiracy then why didn't any doctors or people in the pharmaceutical industry speak out about it. All one has to do is a simple search to find that a very great number have done exactly that.

So much for Dave's credibility when it comes to Alternative Medicine, and the same goes for any other mainstream Wiki, Quackwatch and Whatistheharm quoting apologists. None of them have a clue about oleander and the many other effective cancer fighters that nature has to offer - and much is the shame for them trying to turn people away whose lives might otherwise be saved.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.