Not only are there many natural remedies and alternative treatments which will reduce tumors, the best of them will often eliminate the tumors completely and prevent cancer from ever returning so long as a person will incorporate a healthy diet and lifestyle and supplement wisely once they have beaten their cancer.
I knew that this question would bring out the mainstream tools and I am delighted to take the opportunity to shoot them down in flames - no matter how they protest or how many negative votes they cast.
The truth is that cancer is far too dangerous to rely on the failed and barbaric mainstream methods that try to cut out, burn out or poison out the symtpoms of cancer without addressing the root causes such as toxins and impaired immune systems and livers. The truth also is that In most instance, mainstream treatments cannot touch what the best of nature has to offer. See:
Modern Medicine Versus Nature in Treating Cancer
When Richard Nixon declared the War on Cancer and began throwing all the hundreds of millions at it, the expectation was that we would find a cure in only a few years. Over four decades later, we have created an almost $400 Billion a year industry whose continued existence depends on NOT finding a cure.
All those years and all those hundreds of billions and what do we have? Despite annual proclamations of breakthroughs, progress and cures just around the corner, more people are getting cancer and dying of it than ever before and most of the gains that are reported come from statistical manipulation, earlier detection to enable a five year survival that mainstream medicine considers a cure (never mind if you die a week after the 5 year anniversary and are riddled with cancer), and including pre-cancerous easy to cure conditions that were once left out.
See "Hiding the Truth about Losing the War on Cancer"
The natural first line of defense against cancer and other illness is the body's immune system. In order for cancer to gain a foothold in the first place, it must somehow get past the immune system. And yet, mainstream chemo treatments weaken the immune system and damage major organs and radiation virtually destroys the immune system, especially the bone marrow. Surgery usually fails to get all of the cancer and in the process helps spread the cancer when the protective layer around the tumors is cut and cancer cells released into the bloodstream.
Natural immune boosters, cancer fighters and items that help restore cancer cells to normal cells so that they are properly oxygenated and return to normal programmed cell death via apoptosis or autophagy absolutely will reduce and elminate tumors and cancerous masses in a most instances. One example is the Budwig Diet that 5 time Nobel nominee Dr. Johanna Budwig conceived and built on the work of Nobel Laureate Otto Warburg. It is successful the majority of the time in oxygenating and returning cancer cells to normal.
Inositol/IP6, a rice bran derivative and rising star in alternative cancer treatment, often shrinks tumors in short order.
Another example is the oleander plant, which is the subject of a book I wrote "Cancer's Natural Enemy". Dr. H. Zima Ozel rediscovered the age old remedy of aqueous oleander, which he later patented as the drug Anvirzel, and proceeded to use it for the past 40 plus years with a 72% success rate against thousands of cancers (and he was handicapped by having to use chemo, surgery and/or radiation first or in conjunction with the oleander medicine).
An herbal supplement version known as Sutherlandia OPC, when used along with dietary and other supplement recommendations, has been over 90% successful over the past five plus years.
And, finally, the protocol I researched and developed, which features oleander and a number of other cancer fighting and immune boosting items, has also been successful well over 90% of the time.
Of course the naysayers will vehemently deny the truth, but they know not of what they speak. What they will not tell you is the cold, hard facts: chemo kills more patients than it cures, chemo and radiation have an almost zero percent success rate against cancers that have spread and cancer victims who opt for chemo versus those who do nothing at all only survive for 2 to 3 percent longer (and the survival rate for those who opt to not have chemo actually outstrips the chemo users after the 3rd year of survival).
Is it any wonder that 75% of oncologists surveyed said they would not opt for chemo if they had cancer? Yet they prescribe it for over 75% oif their patients. Could that be because about 75% of an oncologist's income is derived from the markups they take on chemo drugs they resell?
Now, tell me again who is taking dying people's money selling fake cures?
No doubt, there are any number of scam artists and snake oil salesmen when it comes to cancer cures, the same as is true of many other so-called natural and herbal cures. You must be careful and do your homework. Having said that though, when it comes to cancer, mainstream medicine is the biggest scam and most of the quacks are the doctors who use it and those who advocate it.
To find out more, see "The Oleander Series" of articles at as well as my suggested protocol,
BTW, before anyone cries that oleander is poisonous (true, in raw plant form that is) and that it is "woo" or ineffective, there are two oleander based medicines currently in FDA trials and there is a whole list of PubMed studies about oleander extract's effects on cancer. See:
EDIT: For all the mainstream naysayers, I invite you to come to my Yahoo group or to CureZone and tell the members there that what I suggest does not work or that mainstream chemo and radiation is superior. The reason it is "alternative" is not because it does not work, it is because it uses natural herbs and supplements that cannot be patented, controlled and hugely profited from by mainstream medicine.
If you want to see what happens to alternative cancer treatments that work, read the book "Politics in Healing: The suppression and manipulation of American Medicine" by former New York State Assemblyman Daniel Haley, who has spent a lifetime studying health and healing in America.
Before you listen to tools like Dave, I might point out that he said if herbs were effective then why didn't people in underdeveloped countries use them when they could not afford mainstream medicine. Hello, earth to Dave - 80% of the people in the world rely on herbal medications for healing, and those same people have far less cancer deaths too.
Dave also said that if there were a mainstream conspiracy then why didn't any doctors or people in the pharmaceutical industry speak out about it. All one has to do is a simple search to find that a very great number have done exactly that.
So much for Dave's credibility when it comes to Alternative Medicine, and the same goes for any other mainstream Wiki, Quackwatch and Whatistheharm quoting apologists. None of them have a clue about oleander and the many other effective cancer fighters that nature has to offer - and much is the shame for them trying to turn people away whose lives might otherwise be saved.