I have been having chronic yeast infections about every month or every other month for about 2 years now, i am 21 years old. I have been on birth control since i was 14 and was wondering if that could be the reason for this? I know bc weakens your immune system so could it be possible that this has happened to me cause i have been on it for so long and my immune system is really weak? I went to my Dr and she recently put me on 200mg of Diflucan twice a day for 2 weeks and during that time i of course got another infection. Well its gone now and been about 2 weeks and i feel another one coming on. Im so frustrated and dont know what to do and whats causing these! Its horrible! I mean common this isnt normal! I just got some blood tests done about a week ago so i am waiting for those results.... maybe i have celiac disease or leaky gut? So for the few days i have been drinking about 3 tbs of ACV and taking about 3 garlic oil capsules about 2mg per one and been using Yeast Arrest from Vitanica.. im thinking about making my own boric acid capsules to use internally.... I need some answers and help. :( Anyone in same situation?