First hand experience.
People choose alternative health methods because they discover that they work - and work fast! Some of the reasons why alternative therapists get results:
1) Alternative health methods (AHM) treat the whole person, not just an organ or - worse! - a disease!
2) A few AHM (very few, and they are to be treasured! f. ex. kinesiology and Neuro-Training) go back to the cause of the problem and work there. Otherwise, it's like removing the smoke (symptoms) and ignoring the fire which continues to burn (like taking an aspirin for a bad tooth - or for a headache for that matter).
3) People chose AHM because they feel that western medicine (which is not to be called traditional medicine!(1) does little or not enough for them. Reasons:
- No-one likes to be told that there is little that can be done.
- No-one likes to be thrown out of the surgery after 10 minutes because the doctor doesn't have more time for you.
- No-one likes to sit there while the doctor looks at his PC screen and types away without even paying attention to his/her patient.
- No-one likes to be treated like an organ, a piece of flesh, a body part, or worse: like a disease.
- No-one likes to be given medicine without even an short explanation about how it works, what the possible side-effect are, and - worse! - without asking if you are already taking something prescribed by another doctor, and which might interact negatively with the new one.
4) People are beginning to realize that doctors don't know that much about people and are not interested in finding out.
- They know all about diseases, and nothing about people and their own healing powers.
- They know a lot about pharmaceutical products, but little about the people they prescribe them to.
- They are interested in making symptoms disappear.
- They don't listen. They don't have time to be interested in people.
5) AHM practitioners are gardeners who do a lot of preventive work (and should be consulted as such as well) and keep the garden well tended and all the plants (organs) healthy.
Medical doctors are mechanics who HAVE to wait until something goes wrong with you in order to help you. A medical doctor would laugh in your face if you went there and said: "I am in perfect health. Help me to stay that way".
They have no means to help you stay that way except advise you to eat healthy food and exercise. That's not enough. AHM have ways of finding out if an organ or a gland or something is getting weaker, and help it heal before symptoms appear.
6) There are less side-effects from AHM.
7) The placebo effect which is often used as an deterrent against AHM by the medical profession is rubbish. There is no placebo effect where babies and animals are concerned and AHM are just as effective on babies and animals. Don't doctors know that? Well, they know so little!
And my question is: if the placebo effect is so ... effective, why don't doctors use it more? Because according to them it only happens with AHM. What rubbish!
The list could go on.
Hope this helps! Good luck with your research.
(1) The term "Traditional medicine" should be reserved for Chinese traditional medicine. There is nothing traditional about western medicine.