Another article questioning vaccine safety from the medical community.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Another article questioning vaccine safety from the medical community.?
Eight answers:
2012-01-11 10:32:33 UTC
Another crank ignoring the wealth of evidence supporting the safety of these ingredients.

Also, she's wrong. There is no correlation; look at the dataset

"She noted that vaccines contain adjuvants designed to boost vaccine potency. One of the more common adjuvants is aluminum."

Which has an excellent safety profile and is completely harmless in the amounts found in vaccines. Adjuvants make vaccines safer.

"Dunkle also noted that thimerosal, which is almost 50 percent mercury and has been removed from most child vaccines, is still present in flu vaccines."

In trace amounts; the flu vaccine isn't a required vaccine.

" Additionally, the carcinogen formaldehyde is also present in a number of the vaccines."

Which your own body produces in far greater amounts on a daily basis.

To summarize: Epidemiological studies do not support a link between vaccines and autism. Period. Identity of a chemical isn't what makes it harmful, it's the dose. Science does not work by qualifications; it works by evidence, lacking in this article. When are you going to understand that?


Edit: "What I dont get is can any person with even basic knowledge of human health categorically and universally deny the wealth of information that states these things are dangerous"

Because there is no "wealth" of information that states these things are dangerous. The wealth of data supports their safety.

And stop lying. You are anti-vaccine to the core. In the past you've denied herd immunity and you continue to ignore evidence showing the safety and efficacy of vaccines. You seem to forget that we've seen your previous airings.

You're trying to give balance in a false debate, when evidence only supports one side: they work, they are safe. Get over it.

Edit: Another LOL fail from OM4U. Gary and Nate have addressed that nonsense, I won't add anymore.

@ Marc. You don't understand; you are not capable of making an informed decision with misinformation! And there are valid reasons why some people cannot have vaccines. Apart from these people everyone else should vaccinate because vaccines are, in every instance, safer than the diseases they prevent. The risks vs benefits have already been weighed up, by people qualified to do it.
Gary K
2012-01-11 16:06:21 UTC
This is old news and has already been dealt with in several blogs and articles. Each component has otherwise been refuted over and over again.

My educated input is that I think you are a dangerous anti-vaxxer trying to push your hideous cultist agenda here, like the sleezy whacko above.

Have you only asked this question in the altmed section?




EDIT: @onlymatch4u - mercury is not used in routine infant vaccines - only in some flu vaccines which are not a requirement. Complete fail.


EDIT: @Stormy - nobody puts forward Quackwatch, Chirobase or Whatsheharm as scientific studies. However, scientific studies are referenced on both Quackwatch and Chirobase. Whatstheharm is only meant to be anecdotal reports only. You know this so stop with the BS please. You anti-vaxxers are incredible.

@Marc - the problem is you are putting forward only one side and its rubbish. There is no debate. Vaccination is safe and it SAVES LIVES.

Guess what? GREAT NEWS from India:

"Today marks one year since the last case of polio was recorded in India, when the virus paralysed an 18-month-old girl in Howrah, near Kolkata.

If pending test results return absent of the virus in coming weeks, India will be removed from the list of endemic polio countries, leaving only Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria as countries where the virus has never been eradicated.

But India still remains at serious risk of fresh outbreaks if the virus is brought back into the country from overseas, and polio experts say the country's massive immunisation regimen must be maintained.

''This has been a monumental effort,'' said Hamid Jafari, head of the World Health Organisation's National Polio Surveillance Project in India.

India now consumes half the world's polio vaccine; 1 billion doses are given to Indian children each year. During biannual national immunisation drives, 2.3 million vaccinators immunise 172 million children in a week.

The World Health Organisation's assistant director-general for polio, Bruce Aylward, said the significance of India moving towards being declared polio-free - three years without an outbreak - ''is a huge milestone which almost can't be overstated''."

Don't you just hate it when fewer children die????


EDIT: @Stormy - please don't talk to me about scientific credibility. You think you can diagnose disease by touching people's scalps. You won't even agree that homeopathy is bogus.


EDIT: @Stormy, so do you agree that putting water in bottles and calling it medicine is bogus?
2012-01-11 13:12:51 UTC
<< There is NOTHING in this life that 100% correct 100% of the time, either pro or con. >>

Wrong: 2 + 2 = 4

Today, tomorrow, and one thousand years from now. 2 + 2 will always = 4.

We live in a world of absolutes. Just because we can't always qualify or quantify them doesn't mean they aren't there.
2012-01-11 12:00:56 UTC
Marc, the author of the article is not the author of the published paper. The author of that paper is not a scientist.

Edit: Marc, if you're "neutral" where vaccinations are concerned, why don't you ever ask questions of the anti-vaxxers? I'm not recalling any questions where you've said "Ah ha! What about THIS study, anti-vaxxers?" You've even said you can't believe anyone with a basic knowledge of human health would think vaccines aren't dangerous. Doesn't sound like someone sitting on the fence to me. Vaccines aren't 100% safe, and no one says they are, but they aren't "dangerous."

And as I've said already, your long set up argument from authority doesn't apply because Margaret Dunkle is not the author of the study. The author, Gayle Delong, teaches finance. Obviously not a scientist, and if you read my link, there are several problems with her paper.

As Rhianna said, you go with the weight of the evidence. Many studies, done by qualified people, show vaccines don't cause autism. What of these studies? Is it a conspiracy?

@om4u: You know what the Tennessee study concludes? Monitor premature babies after vaccination. The problems reported are very common in premature babies to begin with, and guess what? There was no control group. Both these things are said in the study itself.

Which is here: (your link doesn't work).

I looked up your friends book. The "did you know....?" preamble didn't look promising. Nothing I don't get from reading what the anti-vaxxers on here already say.

"Here's a good study that shows how mercury (especially the damaging mercury in vaccines that is far more damaging than thermometer mercury) damages the myelin surrounding brain neurons:"

Well, the mercury they used wasn't the mercury in vaccines, (ethyl mercury) it was regular old Hg. Though, can you link to your evidence showing ethyl mercury is far more damaging than "thermometer mercury"?

Oh, the PRESTIGIOUS University of Calgary! I know it as U of C...

They did an in-vitro study, and not even with the same chemical. The leaps you guys take!

"When you add to this the fact that the "Blood Brain Barrier" is not existent in newborn babies"

My Big Pharma masters told me 2+2=5

They're always right, or so they tell me.

Edit: @Lightning: *facepalm* If you read what I already pointed out, twice, you'd see the author of the newspaper article, the one with the scientific background, is NOT the author of the study in question. That woman is no more qualified than you or I.


Gayle DeLong isn't Margaret Dunkle - Is it clear yet!?

Marc spent a lot of time hyping Dunkle as the author, but has yet to say a word since it's been brought to his attention that she is not.

Edit: To quote myself: "and if you read my link, there are several problems with her paper."

I always make it a point to leave it there until you're done talking as it saves me having to do it again - you've proven this an economical policy.
2012-01-11 10:25:25 UTC
I think everyone should read the list of ingredients in the vaccines and do their own research and decide if it is worth the risk. Maybe some people have a higher tolerance for the toxic components in Rx drugs like vaccines.

People should not think it's an issue of DNA "weakness" if someone sustains a adverse reaction to the poisonous chemicals in those drugs. Talk about trying to blame the victim! It fact it is rather normal that if injected with toxic compounds that it will do damage to the body. What is strange and scary though is the fact that drug companies manufacture things that are so toxic and have such a high potential for doing harm to people, if not outright killing them.
2012-01-11 09:09:50 UTC
I agree the number of vaccines before the age of two seems excessive now a days. All the vaccines together could be dangerous. I am not saying children should not get vaccines but should space them out more. I wonder if its because so many children are sent to child care early on, child care who require these vaccines, because mommy has to go back to work if that also has something to do with it.
2012-01-13 02:43:45 UTC
Well, the point is to keep questioning it (this sounds like a statistical analysis), because those promoting vaccines do not seem to be too concerned about the quantity of bad reactions that occur within very short time-frames following vaccinations (collateral damage of someone else's child is just fine with them). A senior CSIRO scientist of 30 years (a real skeptic) confirmed to me that there are certain areas science cannot go, such as proving that something does not exist or that vaccines could not possibly be causing something like autism ... unless, for example, all children with autism (or at least the vast majority) have not been vaccinated. It is NOT an absolute, no matter how many times the pro lobby try to present it as such.

What is comes down to is this, there may be many absolutes in our world, but science exists in great part because so much of our universe is uncertain, particularly w.r.t. understanding cause and effect because of the mammoth number of variables and the difficulty of isolating and testing for them.

Therefore, the intractable stand taken by wannabe skeptics (that vaccines are safe, that they do not cause autism, etc) contravenes basic scientific thought and experiment, and gives rise to the adjective "wannabe".
2012-01-11 16:00:36 UTC
The medical community is fast realizing that they are going to have to produce actual independent peer reviewed studies that are NOT FUNDED or SPONSORED by drug companies that are using ghost writers and falsifying data. The POISON INJECTORS that show up on Yahoo only seem to answer questions regarding vaccines.

You are correct in asking your question because one such study has been done that is PEER REVIEWED, NOT funded by any drug company money, is independent, and done by a very credible university.

This study showed up in The Journal of Pediatrics • August 2007: http//

I suggest you read the study. It was conducted by the University of Tennessee of 239 premature infants measured injuires from both single and multiple vaccines! They looked at two things: C-reactive protein and evaluation of cardopulmonary function. RESULTS: Among preemies getting a single vaccine shot: 70% had high CRP. Preemies who got multiple vaccines: 85% had high CRP! 16% had cardiopulmonary events within 48 hours including apnea & bradycardia. These effects are potentially fatal, of course.

17% had brain hemorrhages with single vaccine and 24% in the multiple vaccines! As expected the most dangerous vaccine was DPT. Multiple vaccines included Hepatitis B, polio, DPT, H. influenza, and Prevnar.

Now think of those doctors and pediatricians giving those babies multiple vaccines in a few weeks. How much better results can we expect! An infant is born with virtually no immunity and has to develop this immunity. Vaccinations are not Immunization! It takes 2 years for the inner lumen of the intestine to fully close and giving POISON INJECTIONS like feeding them solid food during this time slows this process down greatly. This is why many children develop asthma & allergies as a result. Putting POISON INJECTIONS into the blood stream of that infant should be outlawed not promoted!

What you will see here from the POISON INJECTORS is constant demonizing of the messengers, but no facts backing up their claims unless they use DRUG COMPANY FUNDED or SPONSORED studies.

I strongly suggest you and everyone get the book called "Vaccination is not immunization" by Tim O'Shea. I know him personally and have spoken to him at length. His book is peer reviewed, supported by many medical doctors and professionals, and he is a very credible author that does his homework. I challenge anyone here, especially the POISON INJECTORS to read his book and then tell us what SPECIFIC reference he uses in that book to be not credible as a result of the facts, not their opinions or more character assassinations that are totally unwarranted.

I do question the PROBITY of the POISON INJECTORS here that constantly support their stance on vaccines when the evidence is clearly not going well for them these days. More and more people are actually looking at the facts now instead of the indoctrination that has been handed them. EDUCATION is what we need, not these phony baloney studies they have asked people to rely on. Our children are being damaged everywhere by these vaccines and unless the POISON INJECTORS can substantiate that the rise in the autism rate is not due to vaccines and show us what is the cause, I refuse to relent to their ridiculous diatribes that are fast becoming empty, hollow remarks as the health of this nation deteriorates due to vaccine damage.

Here's a good study that shows how mercury (especially the damaging mercury in vaccines that is far more damaging than thermometer mercury) damages the myelin surrounding brain neurons:

That study was done by the prestigious University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine. When you add to this the fact that the "Blood Brain Barrier" is not existent in newborn babies, how can anyone in their right mind think it's good to inject POISON like mercury into that infant? It's time for the POISON INJECTORS to provide credible information instead of the PHONEY BALONEY ghost written, drug company studies that clearly are just marketing tools, nothing more.

good luck to you

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.