You need not be skeptical about anything. Aloe vera barbadensis is one of the nature's best bounty to us. It has properties that can heal nearly 150 ailments including some serious problems like cholesterol, diabetes and skin ailments.
A. vera has been used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema. Cosmetic companies add sap or other derivatives from A. vera to products such as makeup, moisturisers, soaps, sunscreens, shampoos and lotions.
Put a little Aloe vera on a bum such as you might get from a hot pan (as I have often done), and the first thing you notice is that the pain is relieved. Later on that day or the next morning, you glance at the burned spot and find that there is no redness, no blistering, and no pain. More severe bums, even those that blister, will heal without leaving a scar. In addition to thermal burns, Aloe vera has also proven effective in healing sunburn, chemical bums, radiation bums, X-ray bums, and even wind bum and razor burn.
It has also proven effective in reducing the pain and inflammation of systemic conditions such as ulcers and arthritis.
Antipruritic is a fancy word that means “stops itching.” Studies suggest that Aloe vera controls itching by inhibiting histamine reactions produced by insect bites and stings, as well as the body’s reaction to Poison Oak and Poison Ivy.
Aloe vera’s well-documented performance against a wide range of microorganisms makes it an ideal antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal medication.
South African researchers also found Aloe vera juice effective against the bacillus that causes tuberculosis.
Aloe vera speeds healing. One of the more remarkable ways in which it does this is by stimulating cell reproduction.
The ability to penetrate deep into tissue is what makes Aloe vera so effective in relieving the pain of sore muscles and arthritic joints. It also helps to account for its effectiveness in treating a long list of skin problems, including such things as acne, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, wounds and bums.
There are many more properties so much that there is less space here to elaborate everything.
I have personally treated a dry eczema case in the US by advising my patient who suffered itching for 8 long months, by aloe vera juice and she got cured in just 15 days. My patient has since never got a relapse of eczema or any other ailment.