Forever living aloe vera? Good stuff or rubbish?
2007-06-17 09:12:15 UTC
anyone know about this stuff? would you recommend aloe vera? 'forever living products' are trying to push it (and some other natural bits and pieces like garlic and bee pollen) for just about evrything that can be wrong with someone... im sceptical myself
26 answers:
2007-06-20 13:12:55 UTC
It may sound like old wives tales but these natural products really do work! Honey taken by mouth for hay fever,in the bath for psorisis,aloe for skin conditions garlic for blood pressure(the list is endless) try it and see for yourself!
2007-06-17 14:00:28 UTC
Croney. It pays to be sceptical. But Aloe Vera is an old fashioned remedy for among other things putting on wounds. Now it is been used to treat Irritable Bowel. In our country -New Zealand it retails for $29.95. For a big bottle. This is about $8 us dollars. I have a friend recovering from Prostate Cancer. The radiation site kept bleeding, and he was weakened by blood loss. He was recommended to try Aloe Vera Juice. After a week his bleeding has stopped. I am keen to try it as I have Irritable Bowel> I don't think it is a cure-all. But if you feel better through taking it that's the main thing.
2015-08-06 19:33:48 UTC
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Forever living aloe vera? Good stuff or rubbish?

anyone know about this stuff? would you recommend aloe vera? 'forever living products' are trying to push it (and some other natural bits and pieces like garlic and bee pollen) for just about evrything that can be wrong with someone... im sceptical myself
2014-02-09 08:20:27 UTC
There is no other company in the World than Forever Living, that grows and harvests Aloe from scratch,

goes through the patented stabilization process, and delivers to you the purest Aloe vera possible.

If you like to try something cheaper, go ahead, but why even bother?
Sebastian Flight
2007-06-17 10:31:52 UTC
First I shall say something about phyto-nutrients - such as wheat-grass that was grown as a commercial crop at around the time Jesus was alive - wheat-grass together with aloe-vera was and still is the important feature in a holistic diet - good stuff - more than that - the phyto-nutrient value of wheat-grass is extra-ordinary - The aloe-vera plant has healing properties that are extra-ordinary that it can heal most soreness and redness any open wound - however you should read the label giving information about the particular produce and in each of the above mentioned they have to be ninety-nine percent ingredient organically grown - no compromise here at all as the integrity of both plants in very important in achieving the best results. There are other phyto-nutrients in other healing plants anyway that is something for Questions and Answers on another day - I shall go in depth on the subject of healing with phyto-nutrients when the opportunity presents a format to that.
2007-06-17 10:59:15 UTC
Don't know much about the products, but it is definately worth having a small aloe plant in your kitchen. When you burn yourself run the injury under the cold tap as usual, but afterwards dab it dry, snap the end off one of the aloe leaves and rub the goo inside gently over the wound. Leave it there to dry. It forms a breathable barrier, soothes it and aids the healing process a little. When I put my hand accidently on the electric hob at home I did this and I didn't even get a scar. It's not for major burns or anything though!
2007-06-17 09:30:39 UTC
I personally find Aloe Vera very good for my stomach, I have a stomach ulcer and it soothes it straight away. Tried the skin products and didn't find them wonderful, same as anything else on the market. I think if you have good genes you will look good no matter what you apply. forever living is just a brand. Go to the health store and get their advice on Aloe Vera, they will give you the facts and not try to sell you a brand.
2007-06-17 12:07:47 UTC
I take aloe vera pill to regulate bowl, 2 pills at night once in a while. more than that is not good! it can even be dangerous.

Everything with moderation is good but fresh stuff is always better than canned or pilled!
2007-06-17 19:25:54 UTC
Hi, i know about Forever Living and their Aloe Vera based products. I have been a user of their products for 2 years now and have had good results. I used to have arthritic pains in my knee and gout in my feet specially after eating tomatoes and stuff high in uric acid and that really bothered me. I am 54 years old and like to run and workout but when that problem came up 3years ago i was really worried. My friend introduced me to their Forever Freedom Aloe drink which had chondroitin and msm and another ingredient to renew the sinovial fluid. At first i too, was skeptical but after only 1 liter the pain in my knee and the sole of my feet was gone and i only had to drink it once a year as a maintenance. I also like their Absorbent C, bee pollen and aloe activator which i use when my sinuses start acting up. Before, i used to take antibiotics whenever my sinuses became infected and it would become a cycle until the antibiotics became ineffective and luckily that was about the time i learned of the Forever living products and the aloe acitvator is all i use now to treat my sinuses. It is also good for sore eyes but it really stings. Not all their products work for me, so just focus on the health issues you may have with yourself. I also use their deodorant and toothpaste. My wife had problems with her bowel movements and after she drank about a liter of the Aloe berry drink, which tastes better than the plain aloe drink, her movements became regular. I give a thumbs up to their products and to the company itself. Regards, Andretti
Pirate of the Bassein Creek
2007-06-17 10:13:34 UTC
I have aloe-vera in my garden since very long and I have been using it since my child hood. Garlic is also very good for health but a person with ulcer should not eat garlic because it makes your blood thin and that can lead to a bleeding from ulcer. I use so many herbs in day to day life and very rarely go to doctor.
2007-06-17 14:54:09 UTC
Aloe vera is excellent for eczma and other skin conditions even sunburn. You dont need to spend lots of money though as you can buy the plant and grow it yourself.

Garlic is excellent for the metabolism and is also meant to be good for cleansing the blood. Im not sure about bee pollen.
2007-06-20 07:10:26 UTC
Very good. Ive always used aloe vera gel and it's great for soothing and it's scent and colour free. I also use aloe vera shampoo and deodrant, great stuff!
2007-06-17 10:26:34 UTC
You need not be skeptical about anything. Aloe vera barbadensis is one of the nature's best bounty to us. It has properties that can heal nearly 150 ailments including some serious problems like cholesterol, diabetes and skin ailments.

A. vera has been used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema. Cosmetic companies add sap or other derivatives from A. vera to products such as makeup, moisturisers, soaps, sunscreens, shampoos and lotions.

Put a little Aloe vera on a bum such as you might get from a hot pan (as I have often done), and the first thing you notice is that the pain is relieved. Later on that day or the next morning, you glance at the burned spot and find that there is no redness, no blistering, and no pain. More severe bums, even those that blister, will heal without leaving a scar. In addition to thermal burns, Aloe vera has also proven effective in healing sunburn, chemical bums, radiation bums, X-ray bums, and even wind bum and razor burn.

It has also proven effective in reducing the pain and inflammation of systemic conditions such as ulcers and arthritis.

Antipruritic is a fancy word that means “stops itching.” Studies suggest that Aloe vera controls itching by inhibiting histamine reactions produced by insect bites and stings, as well as the body’s reaction to Poison Oak and Poison Ivy.

Aloe vera’s well-documented performance against a wide range of microorganisms makes it an ideal antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, and antifungal medication.

South African researchers also found Aloe vera juice effective against the bacillus that causes tuberculosis.

Aloe vera speeds healing. One of the more remarkable ways in which it does this is by stimulating cell reproduction.

The ability to penetrate deep into tissue is what makes Aloe vera so effective in relieving the pain of sore muscles and arthritic joints. It also helps to account for its effectiveness in treating a long list of skin problems, including such things as acne, psoriasis, eczema, rashes, wounds and bums.

There are many more properties so much that there is less space here to elaborate everything.

I have personally treated a dry eczema case in the US by advising my patient who suffered itching for 8 long months, by aloe vera juice and she got cured in just 15 days. My patient has since never got a relapse of eczema or any other ailment.
2007-06-17 10:29:16 UTC
It's good stuff. I'd know about aloe in products, but I may sold on it in plant form. Grows like a weed with little attention. Get a plant of so & stick it in the yard. Will also grow in a large pot.
2007-06-18 03:52:43 UTC
YES ! ALOE VERA is EXCELLENT!I vE got a blister and it poped it was so sore but the moment i put aloe vera it did wonders!the soreness left!i really recomend aloe vera!
2007-06-17 09:54:14 UTC
aloe very is one of the best plants on mother earth i use it every summer i have a huge patch growing in my back yard not only do the put off some beautiful flowers in the summer with there bright orangish red but they help anything to do with your skin literally help anything thing..... from rebuilding burnt skin to making your tan mellow out slightly...... it is one of the best plants out there for it... if you have a cut and are trying to get it to heal aloe Vera is better then any other medication out there for making scars disappear

garlic is a wonderful root not only does it help boost your immune system it works wonders on people with sever asthma when eating raw its high in acid so it kill bacteria in your mouth.... its benefits are well documented as retarding cancer and preventing growth...... there is some thing out there that is natural that can heal or cure anything you just have to look and why would you be a skeptic on some thing that is found in nature ?

i had to read and do allot of research about a year ago and still am doing research my uncle has several disability's and i was put in charge of him........ the doctor had him on so many medications i swear if you took a drop of his blood it could be used as a tranquilizer his blood was toxic i know it was he had so many synthetic drugs and anti-biotic running through his system i started slowly winging him off these cause you cant just take some one off any synthetic drug when they had been using it for so long and slowly his health started getting better

i hate any thing unnatural you might as well take rat poison
2007-06-17 09:22:46 UTC
Aloe Vera can be very good but it can be purchased cheaply at the chemist or local supermarket. Some use it for treating sun burn.
2007-06-17 10:59:44 UTC
aloe vera is verry good for a lot of things and so is garlic
2007-06-17 11:54:28 UTC
don't know about aloe but vera's a bit of all right!
2016-02-15 05:14:25 UTC
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2015-02-02 23:32:33 UTC
You can get rid of acid reflux and heartburn with this natural method

Usually, heartburnThe most common symptom of acid reflux disease (also known as gastroespohageal reflux disease, or GERD). Heartburn feels like a burning pain in the center of the chest. It is caused by acid from the stomach backing up into the esophagus. is a symptom of acid reflux disease (GERD) Also known as Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). Describes the condition of backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus which frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. The symptoms of acid reflux disease typically occur on 2 or more days a week.. And if you suffer from persistent heartburn on two or more days a week—and you’ve treated it and changed your diet—it could be due to acid refluxBackflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. Acid reflux frequently happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes more often than it should and/or at inappropriate times. This allows harsh stomach juices to back up into the esophagus. disease. But only your doctor can tell you if these are signs of acid reflux disease.
2016-04-06 05:00:15 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

I have heard of them, and their products have a good reputation, i have used the aloe gel for back pain and it is really efective. More popular in the US than the UK i think but i know one person who works for them. (Which is how i got my gel.)
2017-02-19 23:20:29 UTC
2016-10-07 11:18:51 UTC
Forever Freedom Uk
2007-06-17 17:43:17 UTC
I would be sceptical too! That's kind of weird that they would recommend it for everything. I know that "Silky Scents" is my number place to go for essential oils, & their customer service is awesome. They've always helped me when I had a question. You should check them out. You can google their name to find them online.
2014-09-14 15:03:22 UTC

If you are a acid reflux (GERD) sufferer you can find useful information on this site

They teach a natural method about how to get rid of your acid reflux. It worked for me.

Have a nice day

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.