Reiki is certainly NOT a lot of nonsense. Saying that, I also recommend you going to your doctor. A second opinion is also helpful. It is very important to check out the training of any practitioner in any field, but esp. when it comes to Alternative Medicine. For those who say it is a lot of nonsense, they have not done the reasearch into it. Reiki will help with certain things, but not everything. That's why it is important to also see your doctor. Reiki practitioners should be able to train you how to increase your energy flow. They might not admit it to a client, but a lot of reiki practitioners have problems increasing their own energy flow after seeing several clients each day. To learn how to re-energize their energy, they will usually go to a BioEnergy practitioner, who have usually been trained in the specific ways of Tibetan monks. That is how they learn how to re-energize their own energy flow. Be careful who u see. There are a lot of nut-cases out there proclaiming to be such practitioners. Really check out their qualification before handing your money over. When it comes to Alternative Medicine, esp. BioEnergy, there are many years of training involved, which also include detailed training in human anatomy. Unlike western medicine, alternative medicine has been practiced for over 40,000 years by such people as the Indiginous Aboriginal people, American Indians, and the like. Western medicine was not even invented that far back. Here's something to think about: If alternative medicine did not work, being that western medicine didn't exist back then, the Aboriginal people, the American Indians, and many other people would have been wiped out long ago. Remember, way back then there were no antibiotics & other treatments. Western medicine actually came into existance because of the research of a man named Galen, who "fudged" (faked) the results he found in experiments his was conducting. Soon after, he was discovered as having lied about his results, but by then other researchers had already experimented with his findings and came up with different results. And it kept going on & on, which has led to all the wonderful treatments that exist today in Western Medicine. Back to Alternative Medicine, If you find a practitioner of BioEnergy, they will not even have to touch you. Each treatment should only take 20 - 30 minutes at the most, (which includes any questions you might have) & will take several treatments to fully help. If any alternative practitioner tells you that you do not need to go to a doctor anymore, that is your cue to get out of there. They will either be a fake, or a very bad practitioner. If you are in Australia, you might find it more difficult to find one. Europe has been using this kind of treatment (working along-side WITH doctors) for decades. If you happen to be in America, the one who trained me is named Mietek Wirkus (pronounced Mee-a-tek) Wirkus. He works in Bethesda, Maryland. The National Institute of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland opened a whole Alternative Medicine section because of all the research they were doing on this man, & a few others. Google Mietek's name, & you'll find a lot of info. As far as books go which describe some of the research done on him, look for books by Dr. Elmer Green.
Meitek is the only practitioner I know who trains medical doctors in BioEnergy. There are probably more by now, I just don't know them by name. If you're interested into more technical info, go to a major library (preferrably a medical library) and look for the journal called "Subtle Energies". It will give you an enormous amount of info. concerning all the past & present medical research being conducted in the Subtle Energies field. You will also find articles on Reiki. Well, I hope this has helped. Remember, please continue to see your medical doctor.