Can you elaborate what are the uses of Gomutra (cow's urine). Pl be authentic in replying.
Ten answers:
Muthu S
2009-01-15 06:46:05 UTC
Gomutra(cow's urine) is not holy but has antiseptic properties as per Ayurveda.
rajan l
2009-01-15 03:23:23 UTC
All Indian scriptures tells to use GOMUTRA for many ailments. In Sidha medicines ( recognised by the Government) it is used as in Panchakavya , a mixture of Cows Urine, milk, curd,buttermilk and dung. Even human urine has its own therapy . Urine is a distilled form and does not contain any bacteria if the cow or person is not having any disease.
Please visit Internet and check for Urine therapy.Many Americans and other foreigners have written articles on that.
Urine consists of 95% of water, 2.5% of urea and the remaining 2.5% is a mixture of minerals , salts, hormones and enzymes. Only urea , the substance after which urine is named, can be poisonous when present in the blood. However, this is irrelevant in the practice of drinking urine, as urine is not immediately put back in the bloodstream. In small amounts urea gets back into the body, it is purifying, and clears up excess mucus. Urine is entirely sterile after secretion and has an antiseptis effect
2009-01-15 02:50:46 UTC
The urine of the cow is recommended as anti septic and shrinks the swelligs, sprains etc in Ayurveda. When we consider today's situation we must take into consideration the cows which graze in the natural set up and eat lot of natural grass, because these natural grasses make the antiseptic effect in the 'gomootra'.
2009-01-15 02:52:34 UTC
Gomutra, the holy cow urine, even now is used in the rural areas of India to keep the surroundings clean and out of infections and diseases.It is considered as sacred. Since it is belived that it has the power to purify. In case of mouth ulcer, gomutra is gurguled and spit away, by doing this, it is belived that it cures the mouth ulcer. During the naming cermony of the new house, Gomutra is sprinkled in and around the premises, which again symbolises, that this divine water, keeps the surroundings free from germs and other disease causing minute particles.
SkepDoc 2.0
2009-01-15 08:44:07 UTC
Ironically, there is a little bit of truth behind this idea. Not the idea of a holy cow, that's just religious nonsense.
Urine...any urine...contains urea, a waste product from the breakdown of protein. Urea does actually have some beneficial properties with a variety of skin ailments. There is even a popular moisturizing cream called Uremol.
Urine is also sterile (no bacteria or viruses) as it has been filtered by the kidneys. In 3rd world countries where the water may be contaminated, urine may actually be safer for washing open cuts than water from the polluted Ganges.
Romesh K
2009-01-15 02:44:23 UTC
Take a lab test of fresh gomutra and u'll find authentic reply. Otherwise It's known as a medicene for curing lots of diseases. Even its given to pregnant women for less pain while delivery
2009-01-15 02:46:41 UTC
Gomutra uses in many medicine you don't believe but if we use it in skin elergy it become very helpful.