_Swallow_ the fish oil -- don't put it in your eyes! If your dry eye problem was caused by lack of dietary oils, then this may help. If your case is caused by insufficient hydration, mucus issues or exposure to environmental conditions, then oils won't solve the problem.
Natural medications
- Flax seed oil (orally, not eyes)
- Hydroeyes capsules (orally, not eyes)
... Currently undergoing clinical trials. It won't hurt and may help.
- Similasan Eye Drops - homeopathic eye drops
... Visine is known to work; this isn't.
Drink more water.
Blink more
- Take breaks during high concentration tasks such as writing or using the computer.
Conserve Tears
- Slow down evaporation with a humifier, wrap-around glasses, and a sleeping mask.
Avoid causes of dry eye
- Environmental: hot rooms, dry places, or windy spots under fans or vents.
- Poorly lubricated contacts
Medications that can cause dry eye
* Diuretics, drugs commonly used to treat high blood pressure
* Antihistamines and decongestants
* Sleeping pills
* Birth control pills
* Tricyclic antidepressants
* Isotretinoin-type drugs for treatment of acne
* Opiate-based pain relievers such as morphine
* Some herbs