No. The reason you can't find these claims being backed by evidence is because they don't have any.
Marc did his best. He claims to not be an anti-vaxxer, but seems to use their arguments and lie about what studies actually say - repeatedly, to argue against vaccinations.
Not JAQing off here are you, Marc?
Your first study: Notice how it doesn't say what you claim? Your pants are on fire.
Your second claim: Based on a single, 25 year old study. It doesn't speak about vaccine reports at all, just drug reporting in general.
You got your 10% number from an anti-vaxxer who told some Ohio newspaper in 1993. On, they attribute it to a CDC or FDA official, depending on what article you look at. Kristine M. Severyn has never worked for either. You can find her writings on such websites as educate-yourself, vaccination council, and other various crank websites. I mean, if you wanted to bring us more cannon fodder.
In addition to Weise's link: more evidence that vaccines have nothing to do with allergies.
The SIDS paper you mentioned does not exist in the Neurology archives or PubMed. However, several other papers have found either no association or a drop in the SIDS rate after vaccination:
"The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons calls for an end to mandatory childhood vaccines."
They also say Obama is literally hypnotising people into voting for him:
Do you agree with that too?
@Mr E: "they have no proof whatsoever to the contrary."
And, according to you, any proof that is to the contrary has been bought by Big Pharma. Nice, little circle you've drawn there. All without any proof, too.
@Kathy: The BBB is fully developed before birth:
There goes that "theory."