A lot of different approaches have theories on emotional clearing.
Gestalt Therapy - a very effective talk therapy that gets into why we think what we think about different things.
Rosen Bodywork - gentle touch that brings awareness of what the triggers are for different emotions.
Trager - Gentle rocking into relaxation
Polarity Therapy - a type of energy work that can bring up and release emotional issues, better trained than many other therapies if they hold the RPP or RPT title
Reiki - does get into mental/emotional clearing through energy work
Craniosacral Therapy - another type of energy work that can bring up and release emotional issues, can also involve a high degree of training.
Connective Tissue/Myofascial/Rolfing/Structural Integration - deep tissue massage of the fascia and connective tissues of the body using techniques developed by Dr. Ida Rolf, the original person who said that "the issues are in the tissues". Can bring an awareness of the emotional states held in those tissues through high awareness and deep, therapeutic massage.
EFT - another newer method of getting into emotional clearing.
Notably, there are literally hundreds of bodywork and psychotherapy approaches that I could list here. I have had great results with all of these, however the real key seems to be the interaction between therapist (or bodyworker) and client. I don't remember the source of the quote, but it has been said that "The right therapist with the imperfect technique may get great results; the wrong therapist with the perfect technique will accomplish nothing at all."
My experience has shown this. If I am in the right mindset the client receives a great session and perhaps experiences an emotional release. If not, hopefully they at least get a good massage.