Herbal Menopause Remedy – The China Herbs That Can Help Control Hot Flashes
Menopause is a very delicate condition and acknowledging that not just one treatment will fix every woman’s condition is the first step in finding the personalized solution to take care of yours. The symptoms of menopause have many factors to take into consideration. It is important to pin point what your individual symptoms are and to try to find out what triggers your symptoms the most. With the help of Chinese menopause herbal antidotes, you can help your kidneys function properly. It is said that the female’s kidney lends a huge hand in the ability to give birth, have a satisfying sex life, and to help keep your reproductive organs healthy. When you went through puberty, an increase in kidney chi happened by a burst of blood flowing to the uterus. During your child bearing years, your kidneys will help keep the right amount of blood flowing to your reproductive organs, however, the flow of blood will decrease as you grow older. The symptoms from menopause come about when this happens and your kidneys lose the right amount of chi. This causes an imbalance in your inner chi.
There is also another realization for the menopausal symptoms that you experience. Traditional Chinese Medicine states that women put up with a lot of stress, lack of healthy meals, and not enough physical activity. Due to these items, our chi is thrown off and in turn has a hard time passing through the meridians. When our chi is blocked, the body cannot stabilize itself properly. This is Traditional Chinese Medicine’s explanation as to why female’s must suffer through the symptoms of menopause, such as the horrid night sweats and frustrating hot flashes.
Luckily, blockages and imbalance of our chi can be fixed by adjusting a few things in our lives, such as, eating better, herbal therapy, acupuncture, and qi gong. Traditional or regular Chinese menopausal herbs were not created to take care of hot flashes. They are created to take care of the whole individual. The prescriptions for Chinese herbal remedies will depend upon the individual symptoms that you have but the Chinese herbs I have listed below are the building blocks of Chinese herbal remedies for menopausal symptoms.
–Menopausal Relief With Using China Root: This root is filled with knobs and irregular joints and is available in two types of China Root and can be bought at all Chinese Herbalist Shops. The first type of China Root is the best kind and looks paler in color and harder in texture than the other one. It derives from the oriental climber plant; Smilax China Linn. It is grown with red berries and has circular prickly stalks. The second type of China Root derives from the oriental plant; Smilax Pfeudo-China Linn. It has a smoother textured stalk and has black berries. Neither has any specific taste or smell, however, this is a very potent herb to heal night sweats, hot flashes, and mood swings. This is usually consumed through chewing or in tea form, but many forms of this remedy is an extract placed into a capsule type pill.
–Menopausal Relief With Using Chinese Bupleurum Root: The translation of this root from Chinese dialect is “Kindling of the Barbarians”. This root was first talked about in a 2,000 year old Chinese Medicinal Text and is said to be on the most imperative herbs within Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is a very powerful herb as it is known to remove the stagnate chi within the body. It works even better when used in combination with certain other herbs. It really helps your liver. Most of all menopausal remedies will include this root as without it the anti-microbial activities and harmonizing actions are way too important to leave out.
–Menopausal Relief With Using Chinese Licorice Root: This herb is also a very important one and is known as the “grandfather of all herbs”. Its functions include eliminating the body of toxins and poisons as well as helping other herbs consumed to penetrate and cleanse better. This is essential to get your chi on the right flow. Keep in mind that Chinese Licorice Root differs from Western Licorice Root. The Chinese Licorice Root is used to energize and calm the body while the Western Licorice Root can cause nervousness. It is important to check your herbal remedy to make sure you have the Root that is grown within the northern region of China.
Please keep in mind that although these are herbs, it is still very important to talk to your doctor or acupuncturist regarding the use of these herbs and all other natural forms of relief.