The symbols that are learned during the attunement are not necessary to do Reiki. In fact, Dr Usui only used the symbols as a form of focus. As the practitioner becomes comfortable and confident in their practice, the necessity for the symbols will fall away. If it is true that some people have allergic responses to the symbols the practitioner would definitely feel this reaction in the person and know not to use the symbol. Along with the symbols you will learn the name of the symbol which can be used as a mantra. The names are Japanese so if the person is allergic to the Sanskrit symbol then perhaps the name will be less of an issue.
However, I must say that I find it highly unlikely that the reaction is actually an allergic one. More likely, there is a block and approaching that area of the body's healing should be taken with more compassion and gentleness.
During your attunement you will learn the history of Reiki and how it has been passed down and evolved. You will learn about different schools of Reiki as well. If you are being attuned to the first level, you will learn how to hold your hands during a healing practice and how to do Reiki upon yourself. You will also know how to sense the Reiki energy as it flows through your body. During the actual attunement you will sit or lie down with your eyes closed as the Reiki Master attunes you to be open to the Reiki energy. If you are being attuned to the second level then you will receive three symbols for Reiki which will empower you to do Reiki on other people.
I have read several books on Reiki and by far the best one is: The Japanese Art of Reiki: A Practical Guide to Self-Healing by Bronwen Stiene and Frans Stiene
In this book you will learn how to meditate and perform Reiki on yourself, how to sense Reiki, etc. I have read at least five books on the subject along with the manual that you will be given during your attunement. If I had no other books on Reiki but this one and the manual, that is all I would need.
See the link below for articles on Reiki including some on attunements, the symbols, etc.