First thing you are going to get the brain washed individuals answering a question like this. I would not get so upset, this is the way of the many, not of the few.
I am legal, I have my state card and follow all the rules set down for people like me to follow. I am seeing a great benefit using marijuana (cannabis same thing). I only get mine from other card holders who have to follow the same rules as I do. The growers have even more rules. I no exactly what strain I am getting.
The street stuff who knows what you are getting, this to me is very unsafe.
I use everyday, in moderation. Unless I tell people I am on this know one is to the wisest. I even surprise my doctors when I tell them. I do not look like your typical stoner (is there a look of a typical stoner?).
I have tried surgery, shots,pills after pills, everything before I finally went to this. As I said I am doing very well on it. I could care less if others do not agree with me. It is nice to find others who are like minded though.....